Siebel Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows: Servers, Mobile Web Clients, Tools > Installing Siebel Tools >

Siebel Tools Requirements

Before you install Siebel Tools, make sure that:

  • Your client platform meets the requirements defined in System Requirements and Supported Platforms on Siebel SupportWeb for the version of the software you are using.
  • You have all the third-party software required for your implementation installed, including the database connectivity software for your chosen RDBMS.
  • You have installed the Siebel Database Server included with Siebel eBusiness Applications. This database stores the Siebel Tools project repositories. For more information about installing and configuring the Siebel Database Server, see Installing the Siebel Database Server.

    A local database can also be initialized for each developer user, as applicable. For more information, see Configuring Siebel eBusiness Applications and Using Siebel Tools.

    NOTE:  The Siebel Tools Client can also access demonstration data in the Siebel Sample Database, which you can install with the Siebel Mobile Web Client. For more information, see Installing the Siebel Sample Database and related sections.

  • For Microsoft SQL Server deployments, Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) are installed with the Siebel Tools Client. See System Requirements and Supported Platforms on Siebel SupportWeb for version information. The Siebel Tools Client uses these drivers, but creates its own ODBC data source during installation. This data source should be recorded on the Deployment Planning Worksheet in Deployment Planning Worksheet.
  • To create system data sources, you must modify the SystemDSN parameter in the siebel.ini file before running the Siebel Tools installation. For information about how to modify the SystemDSN parameter in the siebel.ini file, see Siebel System Administration Guide.

    NOTE:  The sort order for the Siebel Database Server should be set to binary; otherwise, you cannot compile or merge repositories.

Administrative Rights for Installation

Administrative rights are required for installation or uninstallation of the Siebel Tools Client.

For information on setting administration rights, consult the operating system manuals for the version of Microsoft Windows on which you are installing the Siebel client software.

For information about uninstalling Siebel Tools Client software, see Uninstalling Siebel Tools.

Siebel Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows: Servers, Mobile Web Clients, Tools