Siebel Training Guide > Managing Enrollments, Test Results, and Reports >

Viewing All Course and Class Registration Information

You can view enrollment information for all courses listed in the system, including class sessions.

This task is a step in Process of Working with Enrollments, Cancellations, Test Results, and Reports.

To view all course and class registration information

  1. From the application-level menu, choose Navigate > Site Map > Administration - Training > All Enrollments.
  2. In the Enrollments list, sort records or use queries to find information of particular interest.

    The Enrollments list shows all registered participants and the classes for which they have registered. The list also includes information about all registration for all classes and courses in the system. See the following table for a description of some fields.

  3. Click the Tests Attempts view tab to review the tests attempted by each the enrollee.

    The following table describes some of the fields.



    Click this link to drill down to the Account Detail for the student on the Contact view.

    Account Site

    Part of the user key for Accounts (accounts are unique by name and site); used to describe address; Account Location field in the Account BusComp.

    Account Status

    Current status of an account in the company's system.

    Admin. Notes

    A text box for administrator comments.

    Cancellation Billing Status

    There are three status selections—Student Cancel Bill, Student Cancel No Bill, Admin Cancel Bill, and Admin Cancel No Bill.

    Class Code

    The unique number identifying the class.

    Completed Date

    The date the course was completed.

    Course Code

    The unique number identifying the course.

    Course Format

    Indicates whether the course type was Web-based or Instructor-Led.

    Course Name

    The title of the course.

    Course Status

    Available values are Active, Inactive, and Pending.

    Course Version

    The version of the course.

    Created By

    Auto-generates name of person who created the enrollment (whether admin or end user).

    Enrollment Status

    Displays any change in enrollment status that the administrator has entered in the Course Details or Class Details views.

    Expiration Date

    Displays date that the course is set to expire. When Enrollment Status is Confirmed, Expiration Date is calculated as the Course Launch Date + Access Period.

    First Name

    First name of the student.

    Last Name

    Click this link to drill down to the Contact Detail view for the student.


    Click this link to drill down to the Loc Mgmt - Location view.


    The student's login.

    Updated Date

    This field should contain the same value as the Last Updated Date field.

Siebel Training Guide