A - C - D - E - F - H - I - L - M - N - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W


ADL (Advanced Distributed Learning Initiative), and SCORM   1


AICC launch processes   1

AICC or SCORM course import system processes   1

class, assigning to a training location   1

class, changing a location   1

class, removing from a location   1

courses process flow example   1

delegated administrator visibility, verifying   1

enrolling students as delegated administrator   1

hotels, specifying near training   1

links, adding to a training location   1

nonmanagerial employee, setting up as delegated administrator   1

region hierarchy administration   1

region, creating a hierarchy   1

region, defining   1

rescheduling conflicting classes   1

scheduling conflicts, resolving at a location   1

SCORM course launch process   1

setup tasks   1

subregions, creating for a region   1

training enrollments, canceling   1

training locations, about defining   1

Advanced Distributed Learning Initiative, and SCORM   1


AICC launch processes   1

AICC or SCORM course import system processes   1

AICC file structure

AU (assignable unit file), about   1

AU (assignable unit file), example   1

CRS (course file), about   1

CRS (course file), example   1

CST (course structure file), about   1

DES (descriptor file), about   1

AICC format

administering course scenario   1

administering, process for   1

AICC course, importing   1

AICC data model support   1

AICC organization and Web site   1

AICC specification and Siebel Training   1

EAI components groups, enabling   1

importing, about   1

lesson launch and run-time data exchange, using HACP or API   1

standards, about   1

system preferences, setting   1

AICC HACP adapter

cross-server security issue, about   1

lesson content and training on different servers   1

lesson content and training on the same server   1


creating for questions   1

viewing answers for a question   1

API protocol

AICC lesson launch and run-time data exchange   1

SCORM lesson launch using API protocol   1

AS (assignable unit file)

about   1

example   1


canceling course enrollment   1

automatic notification messages

about   1

Aviation Industry CBT Committee

See About AICC and SCORM Standards

Back to top


cancellations, working with

process of canceling   1

training enrollments, canceling   1


See Using the Siebel Catalog

categorized courses


catalog categories, defining   1

training catalog, about creating   1

training catalog, creating   1

CD-ROM course

registering customers   1

registering for   1

class schedules

class details, specifying   1

class sessions, scheduling for a class   1

classes and class sessions, scheduling   1

process of setting up   1

class sessions

class details, specifying   1

class, scheduling for   1

process of setting up   1

scheduling, and class sessions   1


canceling enrollments   1

course and class registration information, viewing   1

current enrollments, viewing   1

curriculum enrollments information, viewing   1

location, changing   1

location, removing from a   1

partner enrollments, viewing   1

registering customers for scheduled class   1

registering customers for self-paced course   1

registering training customers, about   1

registration status, verifying   1

scheduled classes, adding enrollments   1

scheduled classes, viewing enrollment information   1

self-paced courses, adding enrollments   1

self-paced courses, viewing enrollment information   1

training location, assigning to   1

training offerings, grouped for registration   1

withdrawing from a class   1


class, assigning to a training location   1

class, changing a location   1

class, removing from a location   1

hotels, specifying near training   1

links, adding to a training location   1

rescheduling conflicting classes   1

scheduling conflicts, resolving at a location   1

competency profile, about   1

completed class

descriptive information, viewing   1

completing training courses

process of completing courses   1


rescheduling conflicting classes   1

scheduling conflicts at a location, resolving   1


nonemployee contacts, about registering for a course   1

registering for a class, about   1


EAI component groups, enabling for AICC/SCORM   1

importing formats   1

media-based course, registering for   1

setting up, administrator process flow   1

system preferences, setting   1

training offerings, grouped for registration   1

CRS (course file)

about   1

example   1

CST (course structure file)

about   1


available curriculum paths, finding   1

curriculum elements   1

curriculum enrollments information, viewing   1

curriculum enrollments, adding   1

curriculum enrollments, viewing   1

curriculum materials, specifying   1

curriculum record, deleting a record   1

curriculum record, modifying   1

curriculum record, modifying after release   1

curriculum record, undoing changes before release   1

curriculum steps, specifying   1

curriculum steps, specifying courses   1

curriculum, about enrolling and viewing progress   1

curriculum, about reviewing materials associated with curriculum   1

curriculum, adding   1

curriculum, enrolling   1

curriculum, process of setting up   1

curriculum, releasing to users   1

curriculum, reviewing steps for each curriculum   1

curriculum, viewing your progress   1

employee curriculum paths and progress, viewing by managers   1

training library materials, finding for a curriculum   1

withdrawing from   1

withdrawing, about and canceling after last acceptance date   1

curriculum enrollments

adding   1

viewing   1

curriculum record

deleting a record   1

modifying   1

undoing changes before release   1

undoing modifying after release   1

customer deployments

installation and configuration requirements   1


training, setting up training for   1

Back to top


delegated administrator

nonmanagerial employee, setting up   1

students, enrolling   1

visibility, verifying   1


curriculum record   1

test record   1

training library record   1


installation overview   1

DES (descriptor file), about   1


courses, about   1

scheduled class, registering for   1

downloading a training library file   1

Back to top


EAI component groups

AICC/SCORM, enabling for   1

email notification

about messages   1

workflow process, configuring for   1 ,  2


delegated administrator visibility, verifying   1

delegated administrator, setting up   1


curriculum, about enrolling and viewing progress   1

curriculum, enrolling   1

curriculum, viewing your progress   1

Pending-Approve enrollment status   1


curriculum enrollments, adding   1

curriculum enrollments, viewing   1

employee enrollment information and test scores, viewing by managers   1

enrollments, working with

course and class registration information, viewing   1

current enrollments, viewing   1

curriculum enrollments information, viewing   1

partner enrollments, viewing   1

process of enrolling   1

registering customers for scheduled class   1

registering customers for self-paced course   1

registering training customers, about   1

registration status, verifying   1

reports, about generating   1

reports, generating using Siebel Analytics   1

scheduled classes, adding enrollments   1

scheduled classes, viewing enrollment information   1

self-paced courses, adding enrollments   1

self-paced courses, viewing enrollment information   1

skill test questions, manually scoring   1

skill tests, about manually viewing and scoring   1

skill tests, viewing results   1

students, enrolling   1

training enrollments, canceling   1

enterprise application

locating training screens   1

essay questions, manually scoring   1

Back to top


features, new   1

footers and headers, creating for test elements   1

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HACP protocol

using for lesson launch and run-time data exchange   1

headers and footers

creating for test elements   1

home page, entering training from   1

hotels, specifying near training   1

Back to top



AICC course   1

AICC data model support   1

packaged SCORM course   1

SCORM course, and unpackaging   1


See Process of Finding Training on the Siebel Training Web Site


installation and configuration overview   1

Instructor-Led class

class details, specifying   1

class sessions, scheduling for a class   1

classes and class sessions, scheduling   1

enrollments, canceling   1

process of setting up class schedules and sessions   1

registering customers   1

registration status, verifying   1

registration, about training offerings   1

scheduled class, registering for   1

Back to top


lesson launch

AICC lesson launch and run-time data exchange   1

SCORM lesson launch using API protocol   1


See Adding Materials to a Training Library


course launching links, specifying   1

training location, adding to   1


course, specifying for   1

curriculum literature, specifying   1


See Process of Defining Training Regions and Locations

LOVs for training, list and modifying   1 ,  2

Back to top



employee curriculum paths and progress, viewing   1

employee enrollment information and test scores, viewing   1

employee training information available to managers   1

employee training progress, about accessing   1

third-party training, approving   1

third-party training, submitting for approval   1


curriculum materials, specifying   1

curriculum, about reviewing materials associated with curriculum   1

library materials, viewing   1

training course materials, specifying   1

training library materials, finding for a course or curriculum   1

media-based training

about   1

registering for   1


automatics notification messages, about   1

multiple Learning Management Systems (LMS)

See The SCORM Specification and Siebel Training

My Skill Gaps page

accessing   1

My Skill Gaps, viewing   1

recommended training, accessing   1

My Skills Development section

accessing   1

My Skill Gaps, viewing   1

recommended training, reviewing   1

My Training Enrollments information, viewing   1

Back to top


new features   1

nonemployee contacts

about registering for a course   1

Back to top


packaged SCORM course, importing   1

partner deployments

partner enrollments, viewing   1

preinstallation requirements   1


system preferences, setting   1

prerequisite training

overriding   1

specifying   1

progress, tracking

employees training information available to managers   1

employees training progress, about accessing by managers   1

process of taking tests   1

Back to top


question pools

answers, viewing for a question   1

creating   1

finished test, previewing with questions   1

questions, verifying appear in pool   1

tests, creating from questions and pools   1


See About Creating Skills Tests and Test Questions

Back to top



See Process of Defining Training Regions and Locations

region hierarchy administration

about   1

class, assigning to a training location   1

class, changing a location   1

class, removing from a location   1

hotels, specifying near training   1

links, adding to a training location   1

region, creating a hierarchy   1

region, defining   1

rescheduling conflicting classes   1

scheduling conflicts, resolving at a location   1

subregions, creating for a region   1

training locations, about defining   1

registered contacts, about registering for a class   1


course and class registration information, viewing   1

curriculum enrollments information, viewing   1

curriculum, about enrolling and viewing progress   1

curriculum, enrolling   1

curriculum, viewing your progress   1

media-based course, registering for   1

My Training Enrollments information, viewing   1

registering customers for scheduled class   1

registering customers for self-paced course   1

registration status, verifying   1

scheduled class, registering for   1

scheduled classes, viewing enrollment information   1

self-paced courses, viewing enrollment information   1

Siebel Catalog, using to register for training   1

training customers, about   1

training offerings, about   1

training registration, process of   1

Web-based course, launching   1

withdrawing from a course or class   1

withdrawing from a curriculum   1

withdrawing, about and canceling after last acceptance date   1

releasing curriculum to users   1

reports, working with

generating, about   1

process of working with reports   1

Siebel Analytics, using to generate reports   1


employees training information available to managers   1

employees training progress, about accessing by managers   1

skill test results, reviewing   1

run-time data exchange

using HACP and API protocols   1

Back to top


scheduled classes

course and class registration information, viewing   1

current enrollments, viewing   1

curriculum enrollments information, viewing   1

enrollment information, viewing   1

enrollments, adding   1

partner enrollments, viewing   1

registering customers for scheduled class   1

registering for   1

registering training customers, about   1

registration status, verifying   1

self-paced courses, adding enrollments   1


See Process of Setting Up Class Schedules and Sessions

scheduling conflicts

rescheduling conflicting classes   1

resolving at a location   1


viewing employee test scores by managers   1


manually scoring skill test questions   1

SCORM format

administering course scenario   1

administering, process for   1

AICC course, importing   1

AICC data model support   1

AICC or SCORM course import system processes   1

AICC specification and Siebel Training   1

course launch process   1

cross-server security issue, about   1

EAI component groups, enabling   1

importing and unpackaging SCORM course   1

importing packaged SCORM courses   1

importing, about   1

lesson content and training on different servers   1

lesson content and training on the same server   1

lesson launch and run-time data exchange, using API protocol   1

lesson launch and run-time data exchange, using HACP or API   1

SCORM specification and Siebel Training   1

standards, about   1

system preferences, setting   1

Web site   1


Training Administration screens, about   1

Training Administration screens, navigating to   1

self-paced courses

course and class registration information, viewing   1

current enrollments, viewing   1

curriculum enrollments information, viewing   1

enrollments, adding   1

enrollments, canceling   1

partner enrollments, viewing   1

registering training customers   1

registering training customers, about   1

registration information, viewing   1

registration status, verifying   1


See Process of Setting Up Class Schedules and Sessions

setup tasks, administrator   1

Sharable Content Object (SCO)

about launching   1

Sharable Content Object Reference Model

See About AICC and SCORM Standards

Siebel Analytics

using to generate reports   1

Siebel application

locating training screens   1

Siebel Catalog

training, using to register for training   1

using, about   1

viewing   1

Siebel Training site

available curriculum paths, finding   1

browsing anonymously   1

curriculum, about reviewing materials associated with curriculum   1

curriculum, reviewing steps for each curriculum   1

home page, entering with user ID   1

logging in and visibility levels   1

media-based course, registering for   1

My Skill Gaps, viewing   1

process of accessing   1

recommended training, reviewing   1

registration, about training offerings   1

scheduled class, registering for   1

Siebel Catalog, about using   1

Siebel Catalog, viewing   1

skills and development, accessing   1

third-party training, submitting for approval   1

training information, process of finding   1

Training Learning Center, about   1

training library materials, finding for a course or curriculum   1

training library materials, viewing   1

training screens, locating within Siebel application   1

user ID and password, logging in with   1

skill tests

adding a skills test   1

answers, creating   1

answers, viewing for a question   1

descriptive information, viewing about completed course or class   1

employee curriculum paths and progress, viewing by managers   1

employee enrollment information and test scores, viewing by managers   1

employees training information available to managers   1

employees training progress, about accessing by managers   1

finished test, previewing with questions   1

headers and footers, creating for test elements   1

manually viewing and scoring, about   1

process of creating skill tests   1

question pools, creating   1

question pools, verifying questions appear   1

questions, creating   1

questions, types of   1

results, reviewing test results   1

skill test questions, manually scoring   1

skill test results, viewing   1

skills test details, specifying   1

skills test record, deleting   1

skills test record, modifying   1

tests, creating from questions and pools   1

transcript, viewing   1


specifying training skills   1

skills and development

accessing   1

My Skill Gaps, viewing   1

recommended training, reviewing   1

skills test record

deleting a test record   1

modifying a test record   1


enrolling as delegated administrator   1


creating for a region   1

system preferences, setting   1

Back to top


test courses

course and class registration information, viewing   1

current enrollments, viewing   1

curriculum enrollments information, viewing   1

partner enrollments, viewing   1

registering customers for scheduled class   1

registering customers for self-paced course   1

registering training customers, about   1

registration status, verifying   1

scheduled classes, adding enrollments   1

scheduled classes, viewing enrollment information   1

self-paced courses, adding enrollments   1

self-paced courses, viewing enrollment information   1

students, enrolling   1

training enrollment, canceling   1

test questions

adding a skills test   1

answers, creating   1

answers, viewing for a question   1

finished test, previewing with questions   1

headers and footers, creating for test elements   1

process of creating test questions   1

question pools, creating   1

question pools, verifying questions appear   1

questions, creating   1

skills test details, specifying   1

skills test questions, manually scoring   1

skills test record, deleting   1

skills test record, modifying   1

tests, creating from questions and pools   1

types of   1

test results, working with

process of   1

test scores

viewing employee test scores by managers   1


adding a skills test   1

answers, creating   1

answers, viewing for a question   1

finished test, previewing with questions   1

headers and footers, creating for test elements   1

process of creating tests   1

question pools, creating   1

question pools, verifying questions appear   1

questions, creating   1

questions, types of   1

skills test details, specifying   1

skills test record, deleting   1

skills test record, modifying   1

tests, creating from questions and pools   1

tests, taking

descriptive information, viewing about completed course or class   1

employee curriculum paths and progress, viewing by managers   1

employee enrollment information and test scores, viewing by managers   1

employees training information available to managers   1

employees training progress, about accessing by managers   1

process of taking tests   1

results, reviewing test results   1

transcript, viewing   1

text questions

manually scoring   1

third-party training

manager, approving   1

submitting for approval   1

Training Administration screens

list of   1

navigating to   1

training bundles

adding courses to bundle   1

creating training bundles   1

training catalog


catalog categories, defining   1

creating for categorized courses   1

creating, about for categorized courses   1

viewing   1

training courses

completing training courses, process of training courses   1

curriculum, about enrolling and viewing progress   1

curriculum, enrolling   1

curriculum, viewing your progress   1

media-based course, registering for   1

My Training Enrollments information, viewing   1

scheduled class, registering for   1

setting up, administrator process flow   1

Siebel Catalog, using to register for training   1

third-party training, submitting for approval   1

training curriculum steps, specifying courses   1

training library materials, finding for a course   1

training offerings, grouped for registration   1

Web-based course, launching   1

withdrawing from   1

training curriculum

See Process of Setting Up a Training Curriculum

training information

available curriculum paths, finding   1

curriculum, about reviewing materials associated with curriculum   1

curriculum, reviewing steps for each curriculum   1

My Skill Gaps, viewing   1

process of finding   1

recommended training, reviewing   1

Siebel Catalog, about using   1

Siebel Catalog, viewing   1

skills and development, accessing   1

Training Learning Center, about   1

training library materials, finding for a course or curriculum   1

training library materials, viewing   1

Training Learning Center

about   1

training library

about and file formats   1

downloading a training library file   1

materials, process of adding   1

materials, viewing   1

training library file, deleting   1

training library file, modifying   1

training library file, modifying a file referenced in   1

training library file, undoing changes   1

training library materials, finding for a course or curriculum   1

training record, adding   1

URL, changing in a record   1

training locations

class, assigning to a training location   1

class, changing a location   1

class, removing from a location   1

hotels, specifying near training   1

links, adding to a training location   1

process of defining   1

region hierarchy administration   1

region, creating a hierarchy   1

region, defining   1

rescheduling conflicting classes   1

scheduling conflicts, resolving at a location   1

subregions, creating for a region   1

training locations, about defining   1

training record

deleting a record   1

downloading a training library file   1

modifying   1

modifying a file referenced in   1

training library, adding to   1

undoing changes   1

URL. changing in a record   1

training regions

class, assigning to a training location   1

class, changing a location   1

class, removing from a location   1

hotels, specifying near training   1

links, adding to a training location   1

process of defining   1

region hierarchy administration   1

region, defining   1

regions, creating a hierarchy   1

rescheduling conflicting classes   1

scheduling conflicts, resolving at a location   1

subregions, creating for a region   1

training locations, about defining   1

training registration

curriculum, about enrolling and viewing progress   1

curriculum, enrolling   1

curriculum, viewing your progress   1

media-based course, registering for   1

My Training Enrollments information, viewing   1

process of training registration   1

scheduled class, registering for   1

Siebel Catalog, using to register for training   1

third-party training, submitting for approval   1

training offerings, about   1

Web-based course, launching   1

withdrawing, about and canceling after last acceptance date   1

withdrawing, from a course or class   1

withdrawing, from a curriculum   1

Training screen tab, using   1

training screens

locating screens in Siebel applications   1

training site

See Process of Accessing the Siebel Training Site


descriptive information, viewing about completed course or class   1

viewing your transcript   1

viewing, process of taking tests   1

Back to top



SCORM course   1


Siebel Training Web site, browsing anonymously   1

Siebel Training Web site, entering from home page   1

Siebel Training Web site, logging in and visibility levels   1

training library record, changing in   1

user ID and password, logging in with   1

user ID

entering training from home page   1

logging in using   1

user interface

about customizing   1

users, releasing curriculum   1

Back to top



delegated administrator visibility, verifying   1

Siebel Training Web site, browsing anonymously   1

Siebel Training Web site, differing levels of   1

Siebel Training Web site, entering from home page   1

user ID and password, logging in with   1

Back to top



no space on waitlist message   1

Web site

browsing anonymously   1

home page, entering with a user ID   1

Siebel Training Web site, logging in and visibility levels   1

user ID and password, logging in with   1

Web-based courses

courses, adding to course bundle   1

launching   1

media-based course, registering for   1

registering customers   1

registration status, verifying   1

registration, about training offerings   1

SCORM lesson launch using API protocol   1

technical launching information, specifying   1

training bundles, creating   1

Weighted Completion value, updating   1


about and canceling after last acceptance date   1

course or class, from   1

curriculum, from   1

process of withdrawing   1


activating workflow processes   1

email notification, configuring for   1 ,  2

preconfigured workflow processes, list of   1

verifying workflow processes are active   1

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Siebel Training Guide