Siebel Training Guide > Creating and Modifying Skills Tests >

Specifying Skills Test Details

Before a student can take a skills test, you must specify the details of the test, including test questions, answers, and the number of points each answer is worth.

This task is a step in Process of Creating Skill Tests and Questions.

To specify skills test details

  1. From the application-level menu, choose Navigate > Site Map > Administration - Training > Tests.
  2. In the Tests list, select the test, and then click the link in the Display Name field.

    The Test Details form appears in the upper part of the screen, and a Test Questions list appears in the lower part of the screen.

  3. In the Test Questions list, click New.
  4. In the new record, click the select button in the Question Text field, and in the Pick Question dialog box, select a question or another test element, and click OK.
    • To include a specific question in the test for every test taker, select the question and then click OK.
    • To indicate that a question should be randomly drawn from a pool of questions for each separate test taker, select the placeholder record of the pool of questions, and then click OK.
    • To indicate header, subheader, or footer text, select a Question (with a value in the Type field) as a header, a subheader or footer, and then click OK.
  5. Complete the rest of the fields in the Test Questions record, and then save the record.

    The following table describes the fields.



    The name used to identify the question.


    The numeric order in which the question should appear on the test.

    Test Question Id

    This value is a unique, system-created row ID.


    The status of the question (Active or Inactive).

    Question Text

    The text of the question.


    Use to indicate the type of question or other test element chosen. Automatically populated based on the value chosen in the Text field.


    The number of points the question is worth in this test.

    Defaults to the number of points currently assigned to the question, independent of tests.

    If you enter a different value here, this value takes precedence for this test, but does not affect the test-independent value.


    Automatically populated to show the category associated with the particular test question selected.

  6. Repeat Step 3 through Step 5 for each additional question or other element you want to include in the test.
  7. Calculate the total number of points that test takers can earn if they answer all questions correctly.
  8. On the More Info view tab, click Preview to verify that your questions and answers appear correctly in a Web browser.

    The test text appears in a separate window.

  9. After you have inspected the test, click the Tests link to return to the Tests list, and verify that the test you are defining is still selected.
  10. Click the More Info view tab and, complete the following fields:
    1. In the Total Points field, enter the total number of points available in the test.
    2. In the Pass Score % field, enter the minimum number of points necessary to pass the test.
  11. When you are satisfied with all the attributes for the test, save the record, and then select the Release check box.

    Releasing the test locks the test attributes and makes the test available for use with courses.

Siebel Training Guide