Siebel Training Guide > Course Registration, Withdrawal, and Completion >

Registering for a Media-Based Course

Use the following procedure to register for any course that is not scheduled to take place at a particular time, such as a self-paced Web-based or CD-ROM course.

NOTE:  Nonemployee contacts who are not associated with an account cannot register for a class unless a system default price list is set up. For more information, see Siebel eSales Administration Guide.

This task is a step in Process of Registration, Withdrawal, and Completing Courses.

To register for a media-based course

  1. Log in to the Training Web site as a registered user or a new user.
  2. From the Learning Center home page, click the All Training link in Find Training section.

    For an explanation of other Find Training links, see Finding and Viewing Training Information.

  3. If the course for which you want to register is not visible on the Courses list, search for it using the Search Courses form.

    You can search for courses by the following criteria:

    • Course Name
    • Format (can be CD-ROM, Web-based, or Third-Party)
    • Course Code
    • Provider
    • Units
    • Hours
    • Days
    • Rating
    • Language
  4. In the course record, click the Enroll link.

    If you are trying to register for a course that has prerequisites you have not fulfilled, the following message appears:

    Incomplete Prerequisites

    The following prerequisites have not yet been completed. We suggest that you complete theses pre-requisites prior to taking the course. You can enroll in the pre-requisite courses by clicking on the course name.

    If you are trying to register for a course in which you are already enrolled, the following message appears:

    Duplicate Enrollment

    You are already enrolled in this course. This duplicate attempt will not be saved. If you would like to enroll in this particular course, then cancel the previous enrollment and return to this course to complete the registration.

    If there is no fee for the training you have selected (or if you are exempt from the fee), the registration process is complete and the following changes occur:

    • The My Courses view appears, and registration number and a confirmed status for your registration are listed.
    • In the Course Links section, you click the Course Launch button to begin the course immediately.
    • My Media Training is updated to include an Expires date and a Confirmed status.

      NOTE:  If the administrator did not select the Auto-Confirm flag (check box cleared), then enrollment status is set to Pending-Approve. This functionality allows administrators to manually manage the enrollment process.

    • If there is a fee for the training, the Shopping Cart appears. The Shopping Cart contains information about the charge for the training.

      If you want to register for more courses before paying, navigate to the appropriate screen and continue registering. Your registration status is Pending until you pay. When you are ready to pay, continue to the next step.

  5. Click Check Out to display the Payment Method form, and enter your credit card and billing information.

    If you have used the Shopping Cart before, your previously entered information may appear for you to edit or confirm.

  6. Click Continue to display the Order Summary, verify that all the information is correct, and click Confirm Order.

    If your registration is successful, you automatically receive an email confirming your course enrollment.

  7. Click Return to Home Page, and click View Your Course Schedule to display the My Courses list.
Siebel Training Guide