Upgrade Guide for DB2 UDB for z/OS and OS/390 > Preparing a Development Environment for Upgrade >

Preparing for Intersection Table Maintenance and Deduplication

Upgrades: All upgrades.

Environments: Development environment only.

Perform the following task to create the storage_dedup.ctl file. This file is used for deduplication procedures and intersection table maintenance.

To create a storage_dedup.ctl file

  1. Create a copy of the storage_dedup.ctl file located in the DB2390 directory under DBSRVR_ROOT.
  2. Rename the copy of storage_dedup.ctl to preserve it as a backup, for example, save it as ORIGstorage_dedup.ctl.
  3. Navigate to the DB2390 directory under DBSRVR_ROOT and open dbconf.xls.

    NOTE:  If your midtier is UNIX, then the dbconf.xls and storage_dedup.ctl files need to be transferred to Windows using the ftp command. The dbconf.xls file needs to be transferred in binary mode while the storage_dedup.ctl file needs to be in ASCII mode. Using these transfer modes prevents file corruption.

  4. Select the HOME tab page, and click Import.
  5. When you are prompted to select the storage_dedup file, navigate to the DB2390 directory under DBSRVR_ROOT and select storage_dedup.ctl.

    The default values screen appears.

  6. On the default values screen, enter the values for your system:
    1. Enter your values for the following parameters:
      • Table Storage Group for Table
      • Index Storage Group for Indexes
      • 4-KB Buffer Pool Name
      • 16-KB Buffer Pool Name
      • Index Buffer Pool Name
    2. For the Database Name Prefix, replace the placeholder, SIEBDB, with your database name prefix.

      Your database name prefix must be a maximum of four characters, for example nnnn, where nnnn. This may be the last four letters of your tableowner ID.

    3. For the Encoding Scheme, specify your database encoding scheme, either ASCII or EBCDIC.

      After entering and verifying all values, click Set.

  7. Return to the HOME tab page, and click Export.

    Save this database configuration as storage_dedup.ctl under the DB2390 directory under DBSRVR_ROOT.

Upgrade Guide for DB2 UDB for z/OS and OS/390