Upgrade Guide for DB2 UDB for z/OS and OS/390 > Upgrading a Database from the Mainframe > Preparing the zSeries Host Environment >

Preparing for Table Creation (PRET) on the Source Database

Complete the following procedures to prepare the source database to generate unload, load, and schema files:

Modifying the Source Database

Complete the following procedure to modify the source database.

To modify the source database

  1. On the Siebel Upgrade Main Menu, select option 2: PRET UPGRADE PROCESSES.

    The PRET Upgrade Processes menu appears. The panel ID is SBLPRETP.

  2. Press PF3 to return to the Pret Upgrade Processes menu.
  3. (Optional.) On the Pret Upgrade Process menu, select option 1: UNLOAD/BACKUP "SOURCE" PRET TABLES THAT ARE DROPPED/ALTERED - EACH PDS JOB MEMBER MUST BE RUN.

    NOTE:  You can use option 1 to unload selected tables prior to PRET script execution (steps 5 and 6).

Adding Jobcards to All PRET Jobs

Perform the following procedure to add jobcards to all PRET jobs for the source database.

To add jobcards to all jobs

  1. On the Pret Upgrade Process menu, select option 2: ADD JOBCARDS TO PRET TYPE JOBS (OPTIONS 5-6).
  2. When you are prompted to enter the type of scheduling for the Pret processes, enter 1: Siebel Scheduled or 2: Vendor Scheduled. For information about choosing a scheduler, see Executions of Jobs Using Siebel-Scheduled Mode or Vendor-Scheduled Mode.

    CAUTION:  Choose your scheduling mode carefully. Once you select a a scheduling mode for PRET, you cannot change it.

    This option builds jobcards for the pret and pretfins job types. The pretfins jobcards are only built if you are upgrading a Siebel Industry application. If you executed Household scripts on the midtier and transferred those files to the zSeries host, household jobcards are also built (no messages are displayed).

    During the Schema/JCL (JCL-Prep) phase you will again be prompted to select Siebel- or Vendor-scheduled Mode. You can select a different scheduling mode than what you selected during the PRET process.

Generating and Dropping Interface Tables

Perform the following procedure to generate and drop interface tables from the source database.

NOTE:  Perform this procedure only during the production environment upgrade. For information on generating and dropping interface tables during a development environment upgrade, see Preparing EIM Tables for Upgrade.

To generate and drop interface tables

  1. On the Pret Upgrade Process menu, select option 3: GENERATE/DROP INTERFACE TABLES FROM "SOURCE" SYSTEM.

    This places you in edit mode on JCL member PRETIDRP for dataset DSNHLQ.SIEBEL.INSTALL.JCL.

  2. Enter sub on the command line and press Enter to submit the job using the JCL in dataset DSNHLQ.SIEBEL.INSTALL.JCL(PRETIDRP).
  3. After submitting the job, review the output in SDSF to verify that the job ran successfully.
    1. Verify that all steps in this job contain an acceptable return code:
      • RC=0 or RC=4 indicates the job was successful
      • RC=98 indicates that this job has already been run, so there is nothing to drop. RC=98 may be acceptable, but you should verify that all EIM interface tables do not exist under the source tableowner.
    2. Verify that the JCLTEST RC=FLUSH.
  4. After submitting the job, enter cancel on the command line or press PF3 to save changes.

Running Table Edit Maintenance Jobs

Perform the following procedure to run the table edit maintenance jobs called PRETEDIT.

To run PRETEDIT jobs

  1. On the Pret Upgrade Process menu, select option 4: PRETEDIT JOBS - EACH PDS MEMBER MUST BE RUN.

    This places you in edit mode for the PDS dataset DSNHLQ.SIEBEL.PRETEDIT.JCL.

  2. Submit each PDS member job using the JCL in dataset DSNHLQ.SIEBEL.PRETEDIT.JCL. Jobs from this step can run in parallel.
  3. After all jobs are submitted, review the output in SDSF to verify that the job ran successfully.
    • All steps must contain an acceptable return code: RC=0 or RC=4.
    • The JCLTEST return code should be FLUSH.
  4. After submitting the job, enter cancel on the command line or press PF3 to save changes.

Running Table Creation Maintenance Jobs

Perform the following procedure to run the table creation maintenance jobs called PRET.

To run the table creation maintenance jobs

  1. On the Siebel Upgrade PRET menu, select option 5: PRET - PRET JOBS.

    This places you in edit mode for the PDS dataset DSNHLQ.SIEBEL.INSTALL.JCL(SUBPRET).

    NOTE:  If you are upgrading a Siebel Financial Services (FINS-SIA) application, you must first complete option 5: PRET - PRET JOBS. Once you have completed this option, you need to select option 6: PRETFINS - PRETFINS JOBS. This option places you in edit mode for the PDS dataset DSNHLQ.SIEBEL.INSTALL.JCL(SUBPRETF).

    This job submits the first PRET job. If the first job is successful, it submits the dependent jobs. This process continues until all PRET jobs are run.

    CAUTION:  Each job must run serially due to dependencies. If a single job fails, the process stops until the failed job is corrected and run successfully.

  2. After all jobs have run, review the output in SDSF to verify that the job ran successfully.

    All steps must contain an acceptable return code: RC=0 or RC=8.

    The JCLTEST or JCLTEST8 return code should be FLUSH.

  3. After submitting the job, enter cancel on the command line or press PF3 to save changes.

NOTE:  After successfully completing this task, continue with the upgrade on the midtier.

Upgrade Guide for DB2 UDB for z/OS and OS/390