Upgrade Guide for DB2 UDB for z/OS and OS/390 > Upgrading a Database from the Mainframe > Preparing the zSeries Host Environment >

Setting Up the Upgrade Environment on the zSeries Host

Complete the following procedure to set up the upgrade environment on the zSeries host.

To set up the upgrade environment on the zSeries host

  1. Enter the following command:


    The Siebel Upgrade 7.7 Main Menu appears. The panel ID is SBLUPG7P. You can find the panel ID in the upper right corner of the screen.

    TIP:   To access Help on any screen, press PF1. To exit Help and return to the prior screen, press PF3.

  2. On the Siebel Upgrade Main Menu, select option 0: RECEIVE - LOAD LIBRARY AND STORED PROCEDURE XMIT FILES.
  3. Submit the displayed job.

    NOTE:  The displayed job depends on your language and upgrade path.

  4. After submitting the job, enter cancel on the command line or press PF3 to save changes.

    This job receives XMIT format files. Three PDS datasets are allocated and populated with members. The three PDS dataset names are:

  5. Verify that the job ran successfully.
    1. Review the output in SDSF. Verify that RC=0 and JCLTEST RC=FLUSH.
    2. Review the output to verify that all three datasets (and members) were received properly. If receipt was successful, you will see messages for each member successfully received for each of the three datasets.

      From this point on, all jobs contain one of the following JCL INCLUDE members to check job step return codes. If condition codes are not met, the job abends (ends abnormally) with User 99. Acceptable return codes for each step of each job is controlled by the following three JCL test condition checks:

    • JCLTEST requires RC<=4
    • JCLTEST0 requires that RC=0
    • JCLTEST8 requires that RC<=8

      NOTE:  You must fix any failed jobs before proceeding with the upgrade. For information on restarting failed jobs, see Running the Siebel Upgrade Wizard.

  6. On the Siebel Upgrade 7.7 Main Menu, select option 1: SETUP - ENVIRONMENT AND DATASET SETUP.

    The Environment/Dataset menu appears. The panel ID is SBLUTLP.

  7. On the Environment/Dataset menu, select option 0: SET SYSTEM ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES.

    The System Variables Definitions screen appears. The panel ID is SBLSETVP.

  8. On the System Variables menu (Option 0), enter the following information and then press Enter:
    • DSN high level qualifier name. The DSN high-level qualifier name is displayed automatically.

      NOTE:  If the DSNHLQ specified in Step 2 (job0) is greater than 18 characters, you must rerun job0 using a DSNHLQ less than or equal to 18 characters.

    • Item A. The HOST/LPAR name is displayed automatically.
    • Item B. Enter DB2 Workload Manager (WLM) name, for example, DB27WLM.
    • Item C. Enter the DB2 CCSID (encoding) type:
      • A = ASCII
      • E = EBCDIC

        The DB2 CCSID variable is used to modify the bind jobs which are stored in DSNHLQ.SIEBEL.SP.CNTL and the WLM parameter is updated in this dataset.

    • Item D. The DB2 SUBSYS for source and target subsystems appears automatically.
    • Item E. Enter the DB2 LOAD LIBRARIES for the source and target subsystems. (These are the libraries where the DSN, DSNTEP2, and DSNTIAUL programs are located.)

      NOTE:  The libraries you enter must exist (that is, they must be cataloged).

  9. Press Enter.

    Messages appear indicating that the DSNHLQ and DB2 load library information was written to individual PDS members in the DSNHLQ.SIEBEL.JCLLIB library.

  10. At the prompt, enter the job name prefixes for all upgrade job types.
  11. Press Enter when you see the message: ...PRESS ENTER TO CONTINUE...

    The JOBNAME PREFIX/PARM DEFINITIONS panel appears. The panel ID is SBLJPFXP.

  12. Change the NOTIFY value from &SYSUID to your TSO ID or leave it as &SYSUID.

    NOTE:  If you want to remove the notify parameter from the job card, replace the symbolic parameter &sysuid with spaces.

  13. For items number 1 through 16, enter a three-character job name prefix for each upgrade job type.

    All job type prefixes must be specified.

    The three-character prefix should be unique, but it is only required for the non-unq index and obsolete index job prefixes (which cannot be the same). The remaining five characters of the job name (which does not appear and cannot be modified) are defined by Siebel Systems and are unique across all upgrade jobs.

  14. Review the job card parameters and make any necessary changes.

    Verify that you are using the correct accounting, job class, and message class.

  15. To cancel panel SBLJPFXP and return to the Environment/Dataset menu, press PF3.
  16. Press Enter after entering the job name prefix and parameter definitions.

    The JCL template files are updated. Messages indicate that the DB2 Workload Manager (WLM) was set and that all references to SIEBELQ1 (midtier parameter in JCL template files) were replaced by the DSNHLQ that you specified in Step 2.

    The final message indicates that upgrade system environment variables have been set.

  17. Press Enter to return to the Environment/Dataset menu.
  18. On the Environment/Dataset menu, select option 1: CREATE UPGRADE JCL LIBRARY (VSTG00nn).

    You are in edit mode for dataset DSNHLQ.SIEBEL.VSTG00nn.

    NOTE:  If you want to change the job card, do so at this time.

  19. Run the job using the JCL in dataset DSNHLQ.SIEBEL.VSTG00nn.
  20. Verify that the job ran successfully.
    1. Review the output in SDSF. Verify that the RC=0 and that the JCLTEST RC=FLUSH.
    2. Verify that this job allocated and populated dataset DSNHLQ.SIEBEL.INSTALL.JCL.
  21. After submitting the job, enter cancel on the command line or press PF3 to save changes.
  22. On the Environment/Dataset menu, select option 2: ALLOCATE PDS DATASETS (CREATEDS).
  23. Run the job using the JCL in dataset DSNHLQ.SIEBEL.INSTALL.JCL(CREATEDS).
  24. Verify that the job ran successfully.
    1. Review the output in SDSF. Verify that the RC=0 and that the JCLTEST RC=FLUSH.
    2. Verify that this job allocated datasets.
  25. After submitting the job, enter cancel on the command line or press PF3 to save changes.
  26. On the Environment/Dataset menu, select option 3: BUILD/POPULATE PDS DATASETS(UNPACK01).
  27. Run the job using the JCL in dataset DSNHLQ.SIEBEL.INSTALL.JCL(UNPACK01).
  28. Verify that the job ran successfully.
    1. Review the output in SDSF. Verify that the RC=0. A RC=4 is acceptable if the dataset is empty.
    2. Verify that the JCLTEST RC=FLUSH.
    3. Verify that this job populates (unpacks) all PDS members into corresponding PDS datasets and sequential files. It is acceptable to have some empty datasets.

      NOTE:  PDS datasets are populated using IEBUPDTE; sequential files are populated using IEBGENER.

  29. Press PF3 to return to the Siebel Upgrade Main Menu.
Upgrade Guide for DB2 UDB for z/OS and OS/390