Upgrade Guide for DB2 UDB for z/OS and OS/390 > Database and UI Upgrade Planning > Planning Your Upgrade >

Creating a Schedule for the Upgrade

Develop a plan for your upgrade based on the objectives and constraints for your deployment.

The following procedures may reduce the time required for your upgrade.

  • Run select processes in advance of the upgrade.

    Certain preupgrade tasks can be run at any time prior to the upgrade. These procedures can be performed in advance either for testing purposes or to accommodate down-time constraints.

    Examples of procedures that can be performed by a database administrator in advance of your upgrade include Preparing the Storage Layout of the Schema.

  • Prepare select processes to run in parallel.

    If a large table such as S_EVT_ACT is partitioned, it can run in parallel by transferring shipped statements into the numbered SQL statement.

There are two scenarios for development environment upgrades:

  • Development environment database with DB2 UDB. If your development environment database is DB2 UDB, you must use the Upgrade Guide for your development environment upgrade. Then use this guide, Upgrade Guide for DB2 UDB for z/OS and OS/390 , for your production environment upgrade.
  • Development environment database with DB2 UDB for z/OS. During DB2 UDB for z/OS upgrades, the Siebel Upgrade Wizard generates the schema and output files. Your database administrator must review these files and apply them on the z/OS host.

    The upgrade provides separate DDL steps and DML steps:

    • Data definition language (DDL) files require database administrator (DBA) privileges. These files must be applied by a database administrator.
    • Data manipulation language (DML) files do not require DBA privileges. These files are used to create seed data and repository data. These steps run automatically.
Upgrade Guide for DB2 UDB for z/OS and OS/390