Upgrade Guide for DB2 UDB for z/OS and OS/390 > Basic Database Preparations >

Preparing the Storage Layout of the Schema

Upgrades: All upgrades.

Environments: Development environment only.

NOTE:  Preparation of the storage control file can be performed by your DBA at any time before the upgrade.

This process consists of four tasks:

The storage control file contains storage information, including bufferpools and storage groups, that is used as the basis for the storage layout of your new database. Even if you are using a preconfigured storage layout, you must make sure that the layout is valid for your schema.

Release 7.7 includes a new schema structure, for more information see Planning Your Upgrade.

There are different starting points from which you can customize your storage layout.

  • Scenario 1. Begin with a Siebel-provided storage layout template, import the template into the Siebel Database Storage Configurator (dbconf.xls), customize it, then export it as your customized layout.
  • Scenario 2. Use your current configuration from an existing database layout and merge it with one of the Siebel-provided templates. This can then be imported to Siebel Database Storage Configurator for further manipulation.

NOTE:  For more information on the Siebel Database Storage Configurator, see Implementing Siebel eBusiness Applications on DB2 UDB for z/OS and OS/390.

To prepare the storage layout, you must perform the following procedures:

To prepare the storage control file, use the Database Server Configuration Wizard to extract the storage layout of your source database from the DB2 catalog. As part of the extraction process, you can merge the storage layout information from your existing database with information you already input into a storage template file or information in a template provided by Siebel. As an alternative, instead of extracting the storage layout of your existing database, you can use a Siebel-provided template as the storage control file.

Siebel provides three templates for the storage control file:


Contains no partitioning scheme


Contains partitioning scheme for a set of tables on an ASCII database


Contains partitioning scheme for a set of tables on an EBCDIC database

For more information about templates for the storage control file, see Implementing Siebel eBusiness Applications on DB2 UDB for z/OS and OS/390.

CAUTION:  The storage layout for partitioned tables ships with a default code page of ASCII. If you are upgrading an EBCDIC database, you must use the EBCDIC storage control file storage_p_e.ctl.

Upgrade Guide for DB2 UDB for z/OS and OS/390