Upgrade Guide for DB2 UDB for z/OS and OS/390 > Basic Database Preparations > Preparing the Storage Layout of the Schema >

Modifying the Storage Control File

There are three methods by which you can configure storage space:

Method 1. This method consists of running the Database Server Configuration Wizard, choosing the Generate DDL into a File installation option, and pointing the utility at one of the Siebel storage control file templates provided for this purpose. Then your DBA can edit the output DDL (without any action on the storage control file) on DB2 as desired, using native DB2 tools.

  1. Generate DDL. Perform a standard installation to generate DDL either to an output file for later transfer to DB2 or directly against the database for manipulation there, using native tools.
  2. Configure Storage Space. After generating DDL (schema.sql), execute the schema directly against the database.
  3. Extract Storage Control File from the DB2 Catalog. Access the extract utility Siebel provides through the Database Server Configuration Wizard. This utility allows you to extract information from the DB2 catalog.

    NOTE:  You can use this extract utility any time you want to create a new storage control file, based on the DB2 catalog.

Method 2. This method consists of manipulating the storage control file (storage.ctl) directly by opening it with a text editor program. This method can be used if you understand the file structure.

Method 3. This method consists of using a Siebel-provided tool called the Database Storage Configurator. This is a Siebel-provided Microsoft Excel macro (dbconf.xls) that is installed in the db2390 subdirectory of your dbrvr installation directory. This tool allows you to visualize and access storage control file templates.

CAUTION:  Validate the storage control file again after you modify it. See Validating the Storage Control File.

UNIX customers must transfer dbconf.xls and the .ctl files to their Microsoft Windows environment. Use BINARY FTP transfer for the dbconf.xls file.

For information on using the Siebel Database Storage Configurator, see Implementing Siebel eBusiness Applications on DB2 UDB for z/OS and OS/390.

Upgrade Guide for DB2 UDB for z/OS and OS/390