Upgrade Guide for DB2 UDB for z/OS and OS/390 > Basic Database Preparations > Preparing the Storage Layout of the Schema >

Preparing to Extract the Storage Control File

Use this topic to identify the information you must enter when running the Database Server Configuration utility to extract the storage control file. Collect this information and verify it before running the utility.

The information in your storage control file comes from the source database. When you extract the storage control file, you can choose one of two methods:

  • Extract from Catalog. This method extracts the storage layout of your source database from the DB2 catalog as-is. The output is a new storage layout.

    NOTE:  This method can also be used to perfect your target database layout by performing a dummy installation, manipulating the schema layout through native utilities, then extracting the customized layout.

  • Extract from Catalog and Merge with Template. This method preserves your existing layout. This merges storage layout information from your source database with information that you already entered into a storage template file provided by Siebel. This preserves your prior layout, and your output is the prior physical layout merged with a 7.x storage layout template.

    The first time that you run an upgrade, when you extract your storage control file, you must use the Extract from catalog and merge with template option to preserve your existing layout. The list below details scenarios that may occur during the extract and merge process and the behavior you can expect in these cases:

    A database object exists in the existing database but not in the template. The definition of the database object is output to the new storage control file.

    A database object is specified only in the template file. The definition of the database object is output to the new storage control file.

    A database object is specified in both the existing database and the template. The layout of the existing database is extracted as the default. However, you can manually override this behavior by creating a file called override.inp in the bin directory under SIEBSRVR_ROOT. Place any tables that you want to override into this file.

    CAUTION:  Partitioned tables were not supported for the 6.x releases. If you applied partitioning to release 6.x tables, carefully review the extracted data and modify it as appropriate. If you have questions, contact Siebel Technical Support or Professional Services.

For Windows users, screen refers to a standard, application window. For UNIX users, the Upgrade Wizard displays in a shell. Screen refers to the pages of text that display in the shell.

NOTE:  It is recommended that you enter all values in uppercase letters.

Table 10 lists the information that you must enter in the Database Server Configuration utility to extract the storage control file.

Table 10. Information Required for the Database Server Configuration Utility to Extract the Storage Control File
Screen Name
Required Information

Siebel Gateway Name Server Address

Windows only. The Siebel Gateway Name Server machine name and the Enterprise Server name.

Siebel Server Directory

The absolute path of the directory where the Siebel Server is installed. For UNIX, do not enter the string $SIEBEL_ROOT—for example D:\sea_7x\siebsrvr.

Siebel Database Server Directory

The absolute path of the directory where the Siebel Database Server is installed—for example D:\sea_7x\dbsrvr.

RDBMS Platform

Choose IBM DB2 UDB for z/OS.

Siebel Database Operation

Choose Run Database Utilities.

Database Configuration Options

Choose Extract Storage Control File to extract a storage control file.

Source Database ODBC Data Source Name

Verify the ODBC name for connecting to the source Siebel Database for your upgrade. If it is not correct, enter the correct ODBC name.

The ODBC data source must have the same name as the subsystem. When you set up the ODBC connection in DB2 Connect, use the actual subsystem name for the database alias.

Windows: To find the name of your ODBC data source, navigate to Start > Settings > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Data Source (ODBC). Click the System DNS tab to find the name of your ODBC data source.

UNIX: To find the name of your ODBC data source, type:

Source Database User Name

Enter the source user name and password for the Siebel administrator of the source database for your upgrade.

NOTE:  The source database user name (user ID) needs to have authorization to set CURRENT SQLID.

Source Siebel Schema Qualifier and Security Group ID.

Source Schema Qualifier. Enter the eight-character identifier that designates the Siebel Schema for your source database. This is also an authorization ID. The schema qualifier must start with a letter, cannot contain special characters, and must be entered in uppercase.

Source Security Group ID. Enter the user ID of the group to whom schema access is granted, for example, SSEROLE.

Extract Options

Extract from Catalog. This option extracts the storage layout of your source database from the DB2 catalog as-is. The output is a new storage layout.

Extract from Catalog and Merge with Template. This option preserves your existing layout. This option merges storage layout information from your source database with information that you already entered into a storage control file, only taking objects from the template that do not already exist in the catalog.

NOTE:  The first time that you run an upgrade, you must use the Extract from Catalog and Merge with Template option, thereby preserving your existing layout.

Database Encoding

Indicate whether your DB2 subystem is ASCII or EBCDIC.

Siebel Schema Layout

Choose Siebel Schema without Partitioning if you want all tables only in segmented tablespaces.

Choose Siebel Schema with Partitioning if you want a layout that includes a set of tables that is recommended for partitioning. The remaining nonpartitioned tables are in segmented tablespaces.

Default Tablespace

Enter the name of the default tablespace.

Storage Group for Tablespaces

Indicate the values for the following parameters:

Storage Group for Tablespaces. Enter the name of the table storage group.

Storage Group for Indexes. Enter the name of the index storage group.

4KB Buffer Pool Name

Indicate the values for the following parameters:

4KB Buffer Pool Name. Enter the 4-KB buffer pool name for your tablespaces or accept the default name, BP1. This buffer pool should already be activated and have access to it granted by the DBA.

16KB Buffer Pool Name. Enter the 16-KB buffer pool name for your tablespaces or accept the default name, BP16K1. This buffer pool should already be activated and have access to it granted by the DBA.

32KB Buffer Pool Name

Indicate the values for the following parameters:

32KB Buffer Pool Name. Enter the 32-KB buffer pool name for your tablespaces or accept the default name, BP32K1. This buffer pool should already be activated and have access to it granted by the DBA.

Index Buffer Pool Name. Enter the buffer pool name for indexes or accept the default name, BP2. This buffer pool should already be activated and have access to it granted by the DBA.

Database Name Prefix

Enter the prefix for your target database name. The default prefix is SIDB.

This prefix consists of up to four of the first characters in the names of your logical Siebel Databases. This prefix must start with a letter and cannot contain any special characters. All database names end in numbers.

Storage Control File

Enter the directory path and name for the storage control file created by this process.

    • Windows: Accept the default value displayed in the Storage Control File field (this is the DBSRVR_ROOT\DB2390 directory, for example, D:\DBSRVR_ROOT\DB2390\storage.ctl) or use the Browse button to navigate to a different directory.
    • UNIX: Enter the path to your storage control file.

Log Output Directory

Accept the default or enter the directory name. If the directory does not exist, it will be created. Do not use special characters such as spaces, slashes, or symbols in the name of the log output.

CAUTION:  If you are restarting or recovering a previous incomplete upgrade, do not change the Log Output Directory that you previously selected.

Upgrade Guide for DB2 UDB for z/OS and OS/390