Upgrade Guide for DB2 UDB for z/OS and OS/390 > Basic Database Preparations > Preparing the Storage Layout of the Schema >

Extracting the Storage Control File

This procedure extracts the storage control file.

To extract the storage control file

  1. Run the Database Configuration Wizard using the procedure appropriate for your operating system.
  2. If you are using a UNIX operating system, go to Step 3.

    If you are using a Windows operating system, on the runnow dialog box indicate whether you are ready to launch the Siebel Upgrade Wizard.

    • To apply the configuration later, click Cancel.
    • To apply the configuration now, click OK.

      The Database Server Configuration Wizard validates that your repository has been renamed to Prior Customer Repository.

    • If the repository name verification fails, you need to rename your repository to Prior Customer Repository before you proceed with the upgrade.
    • If the repository name verification succeeds, the Configuration Parameter Review screen appears.
  3. On the Configuration Parameter Review screen, review the configuration values you entered on the previous Configuration utility screens.

    NOTE:  Passwords are encrypted and do not appear in plain text either in the user interface or in the upgrade configuration files (UCF files). After a password is entered, it always appears in encrypted form. If you need to use another password, you must rerun the configuration utility.

    If you need to change any values, do the following:

    • Windows: Use the Previous and Next buttons to access the desired screens, then to return to this screen. When you are satisfied, click Finish to launch the Siebel Upgrade Wizard.
    • UNIX: Enter N, and rerun the Database Server Configuration Wizard by entering dbsrvr_config.ksh. This allows you to reconfigure with different values. When you are satisfied, enter Y to launch the Siebel Upgrade Wizard (srvrupgwiz).

      When the Siebel Upgrade Wizard appears, click OK to execute the Siebel Upgrade Wizard and create the storage control file in the directory that you specified in Table 10.

      This process reads the database catalog and merges your prior custom database layout with one of the three 7.7 Siebel Database layout templates (located in the DBSRVR_ROOT\db2390 directory). New objects take a layout from one of the three layout templates. Each layout template has its own storage control file.

      By default, new tables are created as one-table-per-database to prevent concurrency and locking errors.

      If you select a control file with partitioning, by default, the existing database catalog overrides the templates unless you specify table names in the override input file (override.inp). If your tablespace is not large enough to hold the merged schema, examine the DDLIMP.log. Look for the bufferpools for the offending tablespace, and increase as necessary. Bufferpools are likely to increase for some tables when you extract or validate the storage layout.

      The addition of columns to certain tables may require these tables to be moved to a tablespace with a larger buffer pool. For more information, see Reviewing Tablespace Size.

Upgrade Guide for DB2 UDB for z/OS and OS/390