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Name Statement

This standard VB statement renames a file or copies a file from one folder to another.


Name [path1\]oldfilename As [path2\]newfilename



A string expression containing the path to the current location of the file (must be entered if the file is not in the current folder of the current drive)


A string expression containing the name of the file to be renamed


A string expression containing the path to the location where the renamed file should appear; if a path is not given, the file goes in the current folder of the current drive


A string expression containing the new name for the file


Not applicable


To be renamed, the file must be closed. If the file oldfilename is open or if the file newfilename already exists, Siebel VB generates an error message.

If this statement is used within the Siebel application, and no path2\ is specified, a copy of the original file goes in the c:\siebel\bin folder under the new name.


This example creates a temporary file, c:\temp001, renames the file to c:\temp002, then deletes them both. It calls the subprogram CreateFile to create the c:\temp001 file.

(general) (declarations)
Option Explicit
Declare Sub CreateFile

Sub CreateFile
      Rem Put the numbers 1-10 into a file
      Dim x as Integer
      Dim y()
      Dim startletter
      Open "C:\TEMP001" for Output as #1
      For x = 1 to 10
         Write #1, x
      Next x
      Close #1
End Sub

Sub Button_Click
      Call CreateFile
      On Error Resume Next
      Name "C:\TEMP001" As "C:\TEMP002"
      Kill "TEMP001"
         Kill "TEMP002"
End Sub

See Also

FileAttr Function
FileCopy Statement
GetAttr Function
Kill Statement

Siebel VB Language Reference