Siebel eSales Administration Guide > Modifying Order Workflows > Siebel eSales Order Workflows >


The following workflows are associated with checking out in Siebel eSales.

eSales - Checkout Process

The workflow that begins the checkout procedure is shown in Figure 10.

Figure 10. eSales - Checkout Process
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When a user clicks Check Out on the Shopping Cart, the eSales - Checkout Process is called. The following events happen:

  • The process determines whether the user is anonymous. Anonymous users are sent to the Login view using the eSales - Login View process (see Figure 29). The Set Pending Request method of the Shopping Service business service is used to return users to the eSales- Checkout Process after they log in.
  • The process determines whether the Shopping Cart (quote) is associated with a contact ID. If it is not associated with a contact, the process ends.
  • The process retrieves the quote ID and, if there is no error, reprices the quote as needed. If there is an error, the Display Error Process is called (See Figure 28) and the Current Quote view appears.
  • It determines whether the items on the quote are active products on the price list associated with the user. If not, the Quote Invalid Item view appears. The customer can choose to remove the invalid items and continue with the checkout process, in which case repricing is performed again. Alternatively, the customer can cancel, in which case the Current Quote view appears.
  • For quotes that are valid, the process updates the quote record by entering the contact name in the Recipient Name field.
  • The process gets the application name. For certain applications, address validation is skipped in the Enter Shipping Details subprocess that follows.
  • Three subprocesses are called in succession:
    • eSales - Enter Shipping Details Process (see Figure 12)
    • eSales - Enter Payment Details Process (see Figure 13)
    • eSales - Complete Checkout Process (see Figure 14)

NOTE:  The eTraining Enrollment subprocess is for use with Siebel eTraining. For more information see Siebel eTraining Guide.

Credit Check - Quotes

The workflow for performing a credit check is shown in Figure 11.

Figure 11. Credit Check Process
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The Credit Check process is called from the eSales - Authorize Order Process. The following events happen:

  • The process checks that the payment will be made with a PO. If it is not, the status of the credit check will be set to Not Applicable.
  • For orders that will be paid for using a PO, the process determines whether the Skip Credit Check check box is selected for the ordering account. If it is, the credit check is skipped. If it is not, the process determines whether the amount of the order is below the amount of the credit check threshold for the account (if one is set). If it is, the credit check is skipped. If the credit check is skipped, the Credit Status for the order is set to approved.

    For more information about configuring credit checks, see Using Purchase Order Credit Checking Applications.

  • The process checks that the billing information is complete. If not, the credit check status is set to Indeterminate. If there is enough information, the credit check is performed.

To modify the Credit Check - Quotes Workflow

  1. If you are using credit checking for Siebel eSales and Siebel Orders, and you want to use different logic for the two, make a copy of the Credit Check - Quotes workflow, and save it with a different name.
  2. Modify the workflow.
  3. Modify the eSales - Authorize Order Process so that it calls the new, modified credit check workflow.

eSales - Enter Shipping Details Process

The workflow for selecting, entering, and modifying shipping information is shown in Figure 12.

Figure 12. eSales - Enter Shipping Details Process
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When shipping information needs to be entered or validated, the eSales - Enter Shipping Details Process is called. The following events happen:

  • If there is an error in the workflow, the eSales - Display Error Process workflow (see Figure 28) is called.
  • If there is no error, the process determines whether the user has already selected an address. If so, it skips the address selection and entering steps.
  • If necessary, the process determines whether the customer has a User Type value of Web Registered User. Web Registered User users can choose personal shipping addresses from their address books or enter new shipping addresses. Users that do not have the Web Registered User Type choose account shipping addresses. If the account has no associated address, the number of account addresses is counted. If the address book is empty, the Account Shipping View appears, allowing the customer to enter an address. If there is more than one address, the Select Account Address View appears, allowing the customer to select a shipping address.
  • The process determines whether the address needs to be validated. For certain applications, such as Siebel eEvents Management, Siebel eTraining, Siebel Marketing, and Siebel Sales, it does not need to be validated. If necessary, the address selected or entered is validated, that is, checked to see that the required fields are completed. If it is invalid, an error message appears to the user and the process starts over again.
  • For customers who are associated with accounts, the process determines whether the account address should be saved and calls the Save Account Shipping Address subprocess (see Figure 18), followed by the eSales - Set Primary Account Address subprocess (see Figure 19). The latter process sets a primary address the first time an account user checks out.
  • For customers who are not associated with accounts, the eSales - Save Shipping Address workflow (see Figure 17) is called.

eSales - Enter Payment Details Process

The workflow for selecting, entering, and modifying payment information is shown in Figure 13.

Figure 13. eSales - Enter Payment Details Process
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When payment information needs to be entered, the eSales - Enter Payment Details Process is called. The following events happen:

  • If there is an error in the workflow, the eSales - Display Error Process (see Figure 28) workflow is called.
  • If there is no error, the process determines whether payment has already been selected (that is, it has been called from the Order Summary view) or not (that is, it has been called from the Shopping Cart).
    • If the process was called from the Shopping Cart, it determines whether a payment method has already been selected (for example, if the user previously began the checkout process but did not complete it).
      • If the payment method has already been selected, the process skips to the validation steps.
      • If not, the user must select or enter payment information.
    • If the process was called from the Order Summary view, the user must reselect or re-enter payment information.
  • If necessary, the process determines whether the customer is a B2B user associated with an account approved for using purchase orders (POs). B2B customers with PO accounts are sent directly to the Select Payment view.

    For customers without PO accounts, the process determines whether they have credit card information saved in their profiles.

    • If no credit card information exists, payment information must be entered and validated.
    • If credit card information exists, the customer is sent to the Select Payment view.
    • In the Select Payment view, PO-approved B2B customers choose either PO or credit card. Customers who are not approved to pay by PO can pay with a credit card by selecting an existing card or entering a new one.
  • If payment is made by credit card, the credit card is validated. Validation consists of checking that the credit card number is valid (using the Mod 10 algorithm), that the expiration date is in the future, and that all required fields are completed.

    If the number is not valid, an error message appears and the payment process is restarted.

  • New credit card numbers can be added to user profiles if users indicate that the numbers should be stored for future use.

eSales - Complete Checkout Process

The workflow for checkout completion is shown in Figure 14.

Figure 14. eSales - Complete Checkout Process
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In the eSales - Checkout Process, after shipping and payment information have been added to the order, the eSales - Complete Checkout Process is called. The following events happen:

  • Shipping charges are calculated using the Shipping Cost Service (eScript) business service.
  • Sales taxes are calculated using the Tax Calculator and Taxware Adapter Service business services. See Using Third-Party Taxation Applications for more information about tax calculation.

    If there is a tax calculation error, the customer must enter shipping address information again. This is because tax rates depend on having a valid shipping address.

    If non-ASCII characters are entered in any field that is passed to Taxware, the process checks whether the field is required. If it is required, the process sets the error message to the quote header and copies it to the order. The customer sees an error message stating that the information required to calculate taxes could not be processed but that the order will be placed and they will receive an email with the total cost of the order.

    The customer can then confirm the order. The process copies the error message to the order so that an administrator can query for the order with the problem.

  • The customer is sent to the Quote Summary view, where the customer can edit shipping and payment information, cancel the checkout process, or confirm the order.
    • Entering new shipping information causes shipping charges and taxes to be recalculated.
    • Choosing to cancel checks the quote type. If Quotation, the customer is sent to the home page. If Persistent Cart, the customer is sent to the Shopping Cart. For more information on quote types, see Quote Types Used in Siebel eSales.
    • Choosing to confirm the order calls the eSales - Authorize Order Process (see Figure 15).

eSales - Authorize Order Process

The workflow for authorizing credit card payments and purchase orders is shown in Figure 15.

Figure 15. eSales - Authorize Order Process
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Confirming the order in the Order Summary view calls the eSales - Authorize Order Process. The following events happen:

  • The process determines which payment method was selected, PO or credit card.
  • If the PO method was selected, the process:
    • Performs a credit check by calling the Credit Check - Quotes process. If the credit check fails, the order is still created, but the Credit Status is set to a value such as Declined or Over Limit.
    • Checks for auction items in the order.
      • If none, the purchase order is created using the CreateOrder method of the Shopping Service business service, the Setting PO Status workflow is called (see Figure 20), and then the Order Confirmation view is shown using the eSales - Order Confirmation View process (see Figure 30).
      • If there are auction items, a PO cannot be used. This is because once an auction has been won, it cannot be rejected by a purchasing manager. The order is created, order acceptance email is sent, the Order Confirmation view is shown, and the Credit Card Verification Number is deleted.
  • If credit card, the credit card is authorized using the workflow Credit Card Transaction Service.
    • If authorization is successful, an order is created using the CreateOrder method of the Shopping Service business service. Order acceptance email is sent, the Order Confirmation view appears, and the Credit Card Verification Number is deleted.
    • If authorization fails, the eSales - Enter Payment Details Process (see Figure 13) is called. Credit card authorization is performed again and if it is successful, the order is created.

See Using Third-Party Payment Applications for more information on credit card authorization.

NOTE:  It is not recommended that you use purchasing order approval processes with auction sites. This is because if a purchasing manager can reject an order, it compromises the validity of the bidding process.

eSales - Save Credit Card

The workflow for saving credit card information is shown in Figure 16.

Figure 16. eSales - Save Credit Card
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When the eSales - Save Credit Card process is called by the eSales - Enter Payment Details Process (see Figure 13), the following events happen:

  • The process saves the credit card information to the Personal Payment Profile business component.
  • The process determines whether the user has a primary credit card already set.
    • If so, the process ends.
    • If not, the current credit card is set as the primary.
  • Any error generates an exception.

eSales - Save Shipping Address

The workflow for saving shipping address information is shown in Figure 17.

Figure 17. eSales - Save Shipping Address
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When the eSales - Save Shipping Address process is called by the eSales - Enter Shipping Details Process (see Figure 12), the following events happen:

  • The process determines whether the address needs to be saved. If it does, it saves the shipping address information to the Personal Address business component.
  • After saving the address, or if the address does not need to be saved, the process determines whether the user has a primary account address already set.
    • If so, the process ends.
    • If not, the current address is set as the primary.
  • Any error generates an exception.

eSales - Save Account Shipping Address

The workflow for saving the account shipping address is shown in Figure 18.

Figure 18. eSales - Save Account Shipping Address
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When the eSales - Save Account Shipping Address workflow is called by the eSales - Enter Shipping Details Process (see Figure 12), it saves the account shipping address to the business address business component.

eSales - Set Primary Account Address

The workflow for setting the primary account address is shown in Figure 19.

Figure 19. eSales - Set Primary Account Address
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When the eSales - Set Primary Account Address workflow is called by the eSales - Enter Shipping Details Process (see Figure 12), it determines whether the B2B user has a primary account address.

  • If so, nothing is done.
  • If not, the current address is saved to the User Profile (eApps) business component as the primary address for that B2B user.

eSales - Setting PO Status

The workflow for setting the status of a purchase order is shown in Figure 20.

Figure 20. eSales - Setting PO Status
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When the eSales - Setting PO Status workflow is called by the eSales - Authorize Order Process (see Figure 15), the following events happen:

  • The process determines whether the PO is pending.
    • If it is, the order status is set to Awaiting Approval and the Send Order Awaiting Approval Email (eSales) process is called.
    • If it is not, the process determines the user type.
  • If the user is a power user, the Send Order Accepted Email (eSales) process (see Notifications) is called.
  • If the user is of another type, the process determines whether the order amount is over the auto-approval limit.
    • If it is not over the auto-approval limit, the Send Order Accepted Email (eSales) process is called.
    • If it is over the limit, the order status is set to Awaiting Approval and the Send Order Awaiting Approval Email (eSales) process is called.

For more information about PO status, see Administrative Tasks.

eSales - Current User Type

The workflow for looking up the current user type from the contact record is shown in Figure 21.

Figure 21. eSales - Current User Type
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The eSales - Current User Type workflow is called by the eSales - Approve Order Process (see Figure 23) and the eSales - Reject Order Process (see Figure 24).

Shipping Calculation Process

For information on the Shipping Calculation Process, see Setting Up Shipping Charge Calculation.

Siebel eSales Administration Guide