Siebel eSales Administration Guide > Modifying Order Workflows > Siebel eSales Order Workflows >

Purchase Approval

A purchase order must be either approved or rejected by either a purchasing manager or a delegated customer administrator if the order is over the auto-approval limit.

eSales - Approve Order Process

The workflow for approving purchase orders is shown in Figure 23.

Figure 23. eSales - Approve Order Process
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The eSales - Approve Order Process is called when a delegated customer administrator or purchasing manager clicks Approve in the My Orders view. The following events happen:

  • The process calls the eSales - Current User Type workflow (see Figure 21) to determine the user type.
  • If the customer is not a power user, the process ends.
  • If the customer is a power user, the process determines whether the PO status is Pending because no PO number was entered. If the PO status is Pending, the eSales - Display Error Process workflow is called, an error message is generated, and the customer is returned to the Order Approval view where the customer can enter the PO number.
  • If the PO status is not Pending, the process determines the order status.
    • If the order status is Awaiting Approval, the PO status is set to Approved and the Send Order Accepted Email (eSales) workflow (see Notifications) is called.
    • If the order status is not Awaiting Approval, the process ends.

eSales - Reject Order Process

The workflow for rejecting purchase orders is shown in Figure 24.

Figure 24. eSales - Reject Order Process
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The eSales - Reject Order Process is called when a delegated customer administrator or purchasing manager clicks Reject in the My Orders view. The following events happen:

  • The process calls the eSales - Current User Type workflow (see Figure 21) to determine the user type.
  • If the user is not a power user, the process ends.
  • If the user is a power user, the Add Comments view appears, where the user can explain why the order has been rejected. The user then has two choices:
    • Cancel. The comments are not saved, and the Order Approval view appears. The status of the order is unchanged; it is still Awaiting Approval.
    • Continue. The comments are saved and the order status is set to Rejected. The Send Order Rejected Email (eSales) workflow (see Notifications) is called and the Order Approval view appears.
Siebel eSales Administration Guide