Siebel eSales Administration Guide > Modifying Order Workflows > Siebel eSales Order Workflows >

Order Modification

Orders can be canceled, modified, and reordered.

eSales - Cancel Order Process

The workflow for canceling orders is shown in Figure 25.

Figure 25. eSales - Cancel Order Process
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The eSales - Cancel Order Process is called when a customer clicks Cancel in the Order History Summary view. The following events happen:

  • The process displays the Cancel Order Confirmation view.

    If the user confirms the cancellation, the order status is set to Canceled and the Order History Summary view appears.

    If the user decides not to cancel the order, the user is returned to the Order History Summary view.

eSales - Modify Order Process

The workflow for modifying orders is shown in Figure 26. Modifying an order cancels the original order and creates a new shopping cart with the same items in its place. The items in the shopping cart can then be modified and a new order created to replace the original order.

Figure 26. eSales - Modify Order Process
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The eSales - Modify Order Process is called when a customer clicks Modify in the Order History Summary view. The following events happen:

  • The process determines whether the Shopping Cart is empty.
  • If it is empty, a new quote (Shopping Cart) is created from the order, the order is canceled, and the Shopping Cart appears.
  • If it is not empty, the Modify Order Confirmation view appears, where the user has three choices:
    • Cancel. The process determines whether the quote is for an existing customer. If it is, the Customer Order Detail View appears and the process ends. If it is not, the Order History Summary View appears and the process ends.
    • Discard Cart. The Shopping Cart is emptied and a new one is created from the order. The new Shopping Cart is repriced, the old order is canceled, and then the Shopping Cart appears. The eSales - Shopping Cart View process (see Figure 31) is used to display the Shopping Cart.
    • Save Cart. If there is an error, the eSales - Display Error Process (see Figure 28) is called, and then the user is sent back to the Modify Order Confirmation view. For example, this would happen if the user tried to save a quote with a name that was already being used.

      If there is no error, the Shopping Cart is saved as a quote (see eSales - Save Cart Process) and a new Shopping Cart is created from the order. The new Shopping Cart is repriced, the old order is canceled, and then the Shopping Cart appears. The eSales - Shopping Cart View process is used to display the Shopping Cart.

eSales - Reorder Process

The workflow for reordering is shown in Figure 27. It works similarly to modifying an order.

Figure 27. eSales - Reorder Process
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The eSales - Reorder Process is called when a customer clicks Reorder in the Order History Summary view. The following events happen:

  • The process determines whether the Shopping Cart is empty.
  • If it is empty, a new quote (Shopping Cart) is created from the order and the eSales - Checkout Process (see Figure 10) is called.
  • If it is not empty, the Reorder Confirmation view appears, where the user has three choices:
    • Cancel. The process determines whether the quote is for an existing customer. If it is, the Customer Order Detail View appears and the process ends. If it is not, the Order History Summary View appears and the process ends.
    • Discard Cart. The Shopping Cart is emptied and a new Shopping Cart is created from the order. The eSales - Checkout Process is called.
    • Save Cart. If there is an error, the eSales - Display Error Process (see Figure 28) is called, and then the user is sent back to the Reorder Confirmation view. For example, this would happen if the user tried to save a quote with a name that was already being used.

      If there is no error, the Shopping Cart is saved as a quote (see eSales - Save Cart Process) and a new Shopping Cart is created from the order. The eSales - Checkout Process is called.

Siebel eSales Administration Guide