Siebel Business Process Designer Administration Guide > Designing Workflow Processes >

Working with End Steps

An End step specifies when a process instance is finished. It also provides one last chance to store output arguments to a process property. Each workflow process definition must have at least one end step.

The main parts of creating an end step for a workflow process are:

NOTE:  An important difference between the Stop step and the End step is that the Stop step sets the workflow state to In Error while the End step sets the workflow state to Completed. This is important to keep in mind when calling a workflow process using Workflow Monitor Agent. If the WorkMon parameter Ignore Errors is set to False, a workflow process that encounters a Stop step will cause the WorkMon to exit with error. If the workflow process encounters an End step, WorkMon will not exit with error.

End Step Applet Field Descriptions

Table 32 describes the fields in which you enter data in the End Step applet.

Table 32. End Step Applet Fields
Possible Value
The name of the end step.
A descriptive name that is:
  • Consistent with your overall naming strategy
  • Meaningful to the process designer
The type of end step.
This value is automatically set based on the icon you drag to the workspace. Read-only.
A text narrative describing the purpose of the end step.
Free-form text.
Created By
The name of the person who creates the step.
This value is automatically entered based on the logon name of the user.
The date that the step is created.
This value is automatically entered.

Output Arguments Applet Field Descriptions

Table 33 describes the fields in the Output Arguments applet.

Table 33. Output Arguments Applet Fields
Possible Value
Property Name
The name of the Process Property to store the results.
This is a required field.
This is a picklist of properties that have been defined for the process. For more information about defining process properties, see Defining Process Properties.
The type of argument.
This is a required field. The picklist contains the following choices:
  • Literal
  • Business Component
  • Expression
A string value.
For Literal or Expression arguments.
Business Component Name
The name of the business component within the business object of the business process.
For Business Component type.
Business Component Field
The name of a field within the business component.
For Business Component Field type.

 Siebel Business Process Designer Administration Guide 
 Published: 29 May 2003