Business Processes and Rules: Siebel eBusiness Application Integration Volume IV > Creating and Using Dispatch Rules > Overview of EAI Dispatch Service >

Search Expression Grammar

Search expression grammar is used by the EAI Dispatch Service to parse incoming messages and determine the course of action. Search expression grammar is based on the XPath standard. Table 3 presents the definitions you use to construct a search expression.

Table 3. Definitions for Constructing Search Expressions
A forward slash indicates a new level in the hierarchy. The first slash indicates the root of the hierarchy.
An at symbol indicates the attribute.
An asterisk indicates no specific criteria and that everything matches in the input. Asterisks cannot be used with attributes.
This is the literal value for which the EAI Dispatch Service searches the document.

NOTE:  See Examples of Search Expression Grammar for additional information and examples.

 Business Processes and Rules: Siebel eBusiness Application Integration Volume IV 
 Published: 18 April 2003