Siebel eEnergy Guide > Billing >

Requesting an Adjustment

End users can associate the adjustment request with the entire invoice or with a specific line item in the invoice. Because the billing component is integrated with an external billing system, an adjustment request is sent to the external billing system, which processes the request.

NOTE:  End users can also begin this procedure from the Billing Portal view. For information, see Table 14.

To request an adjustment to an entire invoice

  1. Navigate to the Invoices screen.
  2. From the Show drop-down list, select All External Invoices.
  3. In the Invoices list, select an invoice.
  4. Click the More Info view tab.
  5. In the More Info form, click Adjust.
  6. The Adjustment Requests form appears with some information populated.

  7. Verify the fields and complete any necessary fields.

To request an adjustment to a line item in an invoice

  1. Navigate to the Invoices screen.
  2. From the Show drop-down list, select All External Invoices.
  3. In the Invoices list, select an invoice.
  4. Click the Line Items view tab.
  5. The Adjustment Requests form appears with the Line Items list beneath it. In the Adjustment Requests form, the Status defaults to Open and the Type defaults to Credit. The list displays a history of adjustment requests.

  6. Select the line item you want to adjust, and click Adjust.
  7. A new record is created with some information already populated.

  8. Complete any necessary information, such as the reason for the Adjustment, and click Submit.
  9. Siebel eEnergy processes the request and populates the fields with the results.

 Siebel eEnergy Guide 
 Published: 23 June 2003