Siebel eEvents Management Guide for Financial Services > Evaluating an Event > End-User Procedures for Evaluating an Event >

Entering Venue and Vendor Performance Reviews

During or after an event, you can enter performance reviews of the venues and vendors with which you are working. To make sure the information is available when venues and vendors are considered for future events, enter comments soon after an event is complete.

The following procedure describes how to enter a venue performance review for an event.

To enter a venue performance review

  1. From the application-level menu, choose View > Site Map > Events > All Events.
  2. Click the Sub-Events screen tab.
  3. In the Sub-Events list, select the subevent for which you want to enter a venue performance review, and click the Venues view tab.
  4. In the Venues list, select the venue that you want to review, and click the Reviews subview tab.
  5. In the Reviews list, click New to create a new review record and complete the necessary fields. See Table 9 for more information.

The following procedure describes how to enter a vendor performance review for an event.

To enter a vendor performance review

  1. From the application-level menu, choose View > Site Map > Events > All Events.
  2. Click the Sub-Events screen tab.
  3. In the Sub-Events list, select the subevent for which you want to enter a vendor performance review, and click the Vendors view tab.
  4. In the Vendors list, select the venue that you want to review, and click the Reviews subview tab.
  5. In the Reviews list, click New to create a new review record and complete the necessary fields. See Table 9 for more information.

Table 9 displays some fields in the Reviews list.

Table 9. Selected Fields in the Reviews List
Automatically populates with the username of the user who creates the review.
automatically populates with the date and time when the record is created.
Rating (1-10)
Lets you specify a numerical rating for the venue. Allowable values are 1 through 10, where 10 is the best rating.
Provides space for any comments you have about the venue or vendor.

 Siebel eEvents Management Guide for Financial Services 
 Published: 18 April 2003