Siebel Field Service Guide > Shipping and Receiving > Shipping Screen >

Pick Tickets View

The Pick Tickets view displays pick ticket records generated for specific orders. Pick tickets are generated automatically, by the Fulfillment and Part Locator Engines, or interactively by using the Generate Pick Tickets button on the Orders screen (see the Generate PickTickets Command). The user can also create pick ticket records in this view.

The Pending Pick Ticket views, selected from the Show drop-down list, display only pick ticket records with a status of Open. The user can create records in this view with any status, but only records of status Open appear on return to this view.

Table 93 describes items in the Pick Tickets view.

Table 93.  Selected Items in the Pick Tickets View
Shipment #
A type-in field for a shipping number. The default is the pick ticket number.
Waybill #
A type-in field for a waybill number. This field is linked to the Waybill # field in the Waybill view.

The Pick Ticket view (seePick Ticket View) lists the allocated line items included in each pick ticket and associated order.

Pick Tickets and Orders

Pick tickets and orders have the following relationship:

  1. Orders have one or many line items.
  2. Line Items may have one or many records (actions) in the database.
  3. One or many records (of type Allocate) can be associated with one pick ticket.

While Order ID and Order Item ID do not appear in the Pick Tickets view, these values reside in the database:

Pick Ticket View

The Pick Ticket view records the allocated parts that appear in a pick ticket record and allows the user to generate inventory transactions (see Table 86) affecting shipping and allocation of inventory. Table 94 describes a button in the Pick Ticket view.

Table 94.  Selected Item in the Pick Ticket View
Process Shipment
Button and command. Generates Ship and De-Allocate inventory transactions, when appropriate, for the allocated pick ticket line items (that appear in the Allocated Lines subview). For the mechanism of this button, see Process Shipment Button. After this button is activated, the Pick Ticket Status field in the Pick Tickets view (see Pick Tickets View) is set automatically to Closed.
Note that for orders of type Internal, the status becomes Shipped instead of Closed.

The Pick Ticket view has three subviews, Allocated Lines, Shipped Line, and Serial Numbers.

Allocated Lines Subview

The Allocated Lines subview shows the allocated line items associated with a pick ticket. It also shows the preferred locations in inventory to obtain each line item. This view is read-only. Table 95 describes items in the Pick Ticket view.

Table 95.  Selected Items in the Pick Ticket View
Ship/Ship All
These buttons create a record or records in the Shipped Line subview with the same quantity as the Qty field in the Allocated Lines subview. These buttons do not create inventory transactions.
The number of items (of this product) shipped. This number matches the quantity processed for shipping, displayed in the Shipped Line subview. The Process Shipment button determines this value.
Location 1/2/3
These fields may be used to optimize the pick-pack-ship process. They are informational only.

Shipped Line Subview

The Shipped Line subview shows the number of items allocated in the database for shipment by the Ship button (see the Allocated Lines Subview). The Qty field is read-write and accepts values less than the value in the Qty field in the Shipped Lines subview. Table 96 describes items in the Shipped Lines subview.

Table 96.  Selected Items in the Shipped Line Subview
This button allows the user to enter the shipped quantity (in the Qty field) when that quantity is less than the allocated quantity. This creates a record of the type Ship.
The number of items shipped.

NOTE:  If the Shipped Line quantity is less than the quantity in a selected record in the Allocated Lines list, the excess is de-allocated through a De-Allocate transaction. The De-Allocate transaction (and any other transaction) takes place when the user clicks the Process Shipment button.

Serial Numbers Subview

The Serial Numbers subview accepts serial numbers for the selected Allocated line items. Serial numbers for items available in inventory are selected from a dialog box. The number of records cannot exceed the quantity in the Shipped Line subview. The quantity in the Shipped Lines subview cannot be greater than the quantity in the Allocated Lines subview.

This view is active only if the Shipped Lines subview displays a number of shipped items. The New command for adding records is available only if the selected, allocated line references a serialized product.

NOTE:  If a product is serialized by checking the Serialized check box in the Product Field Service Details view (see Product Field Service Details View), then a serial number is required for all movements and transactions of assets of this product.

Repair Pick Ticket View

The Repair Pick Ticket view processes the shipment of line items allocated for a repair order. The Pick Ticket, Allocated Lines, and Shipped Line views are identical to those in the Pick Ticket view (see Pick Ticket View). Instead of associating serial numbers with shipped products, this view uses the Repair # subview to associate repair numbers.

The number of repair numbers records must match the Qty field in the Shipped Lines subview. This validation constraint is enforced both for selected products that are serialized and non-serialized.

Waybill View

The Waybill view associates waybill records with pick tickets. Table 97 describes items in the Waybill view.

Table 97.  Selected Items in the Waybill View
Shipment #
A type-in field for a shipping number. The default is the pick ticket number.
Waybill #
A type-in field for a waybill number. This field is linked to the Waybill # field in the Waybill view.

Consolidation View

The Consolidation view is a variation of the Pick Ticket view, selected from the Show drop-down list, that combines line items from existing pick tickets into a single pick ticket. The purpose is to reduce shipping costs. The line items must have the same Ship To address, be shipped from the same inventory location, and have the same order type. All order types, except for Repair Orders, are processed in the this view.

The Consolidation view has two subviews, Qualified Lines and Consolidated Lines.

Qualified Lines Subview

The Qualified Lines subview displays lines allocated for pick tickets that have the following attributes:

Table 98 describes a button in the Qualified Lines subview.

Table 98.  Selected Item in the Qualified Lines View
Button and command. Copies the qualified line to the selected pick ticket. The result of this consolidation appears in the Consolidated Lines subview. The donor pick ticket no longer appears in the All Pick Tickets view.

Consolidated Lines Subview

The Consolidated Lines subview shows the products and quantities combined into one pick ticket. The consolidated lines are processed as though they were part of the original order.

 Siebel Field Service Guide 
 Published: 21 April 2003