Siebel Forecasting Guide > Revenues >

Adding Multiple or Recurring Revenues Using SmartScripts

End users can add multiple or recurring revenues from any screen where the Revenues view is found, for example Opportunities, Accounts, Projects, Contacts, Products, Partners, and Agreements. Multiple or recurring revenues can be added using SmartScripts. SmartScripts are accessed by choosing Script from the menu button in the Revenues view. Revenues created using SmartScripts reside in the same spreadsheet record.

NOTE:  End users can add recurring revenues from any screen that has a Revenues view. The Opportunities screen is used in the following procedure as an example.

To add multiple or recurring revenues using SmartScripts

  1. From the application-level menu choose View > Site Map > Opportunities > My Opportunities.
  2. Click the Revenues view tab, and click the menu button, and then click Script.
  3. In the SmartScripts screen in the Revenue Schedule - Date Range form, complete the necessary fields, and then click Next.
  4. In the Revenue Schedule - Default Values form, complete the necessary fields, and then click Next.
  5. In the Revenue Schedule - Default Values form, complete the necessary fields, and then click Next.
  6. In the Revenue Schedule - Amounts form, complete the necessary fields, and then click Finish.
  7. The appropriate revenue records are calculated and added to the Revenues list.

    A set of revenues created using SmartScripts includes the same Group ID and thus are each included in the same spreadsheet record when the end user navigates to the spreadsheet view.

NOTE:  A substantial number of the Script's fields may not be necessary for the end user's specific needs and are not required if not marked. In addition, the script has a built-in calculation function. The application calculates the correct end date, frequency, or period. If the Replace Existing Revenues check box in the Revenue Schedule Default Values screen has been checked, the script function replaces only the items added or owned by the user. It does not replace account revenues associated with other positions.

 Siebel Forecasting Guide 
 Published: 18 April 2003