Fundamentals > Overview >

Access and Responsibilities

You will be assigned an employee login on the server with a unique ID and password. The login assigned to you defines your job responsibilities, and the data you need to access to fulfill those responsibilities, at the time when you log in to the application.

Responsibilities are defined for you by your system administrator. They determine the collection of views you see. For example, if you were a sales manager, you would need views to manage your team's accounts, contacts, and opportunities, but your sales representatives would not need these views.

A position is the basis for determining what data you can access. It allows you to see certain records but not others. The position represents an assigned job title within an organization. By assigning you a position (job title), the administrator can determine the set of data you should see. For example, the South American VP of Sales would not see the same data as a North American sales representative.

Here are three factors that could determine what records you can see:

 Published: 14 August 2003