Siebel ePharma Handheld Guide for Windows-Powered Devices > Using ePharma Handheld > Planning and Recording Calls >

Creating Contact Calls

You can create contact calls and update contact call details using Siebel ePharma Handheld. Because contact calls are a type of activity, they also appear in the Calendar view.

As a shortcut for creating contact calls, you optionally may apply a Smart Call to the new record or auto-create a record to populate it with predefined data. For more information, see About Auto Call, Smart Call, and Auto Update. Before you can enter information about products detailed, samples, and promotional items dropped during a contact call, you must set up personal lists. For more information, see Creating Personal Lists.

To add a contact call from the Contacts view

  1. Navigate to the Contacts screen.
  2. In the Contacts list, select a contact.
  3. NOTE:  If you are using the Auto Call feature, you can select several contacts from the list. Selecting the Auto Call button creates new calls for the selected contacts. Users should be advised that selecting more than one contact at a time to generate Auto Calls impacts performance.

  4. In the Contacts list, do one of the following:
  5. To specify which products to detail during the call:
    1. From the Show drop-down list, select Details.
    2. Tap the Call Products Detailed list to select it, add a new record, and complete the necessary fields.
  6. To specify which samples to drop off during the call:
    1. From the Show drop-down list, select Samples Dropped.
    2. Tap the Samples Dropped list to select it, add a new record, and complete the necessary fields.
  7. To specify which products are promotional items:
    1. From the Show drop-down list, select Promotional Items.
    2. Tap the Promotional Items list to select it, add a new record, and complete the necessary fields.
  8. To specify which issues were discussed during a call:
    1. From the Show drop-down list, select Issues.
    2. NOTE:  Decision issues are the objections a contact may raise when evaluating a product before making a prescribing decision.

    3. Tap the Issues list to select it, add a new record, and complete the necessary fields.

For more information on how to enter information, see Recording Contact Calls.

NOTE:  If you applied a Smart Call to the call, you may only need to verify that the information in the four lists is accurate.

To add a contact call from the Contact Calls view

  1. Navigate to the Contact Call screen.
  2. Tap the Contact Call form to select it.
  3. On the toolbar, tap the New Record button.
  4. Complete the necessary fields.

To apply a Smart Call template

  1. Navigate to the Contact Call screen.
  2. Tap the Contact Call form to select it.
  3. On the toolbar, tap the New Record button.
  4. In the new record, complete the necessary fields.
  5. In the Smart Call field, tap the drop-down list arrow.
  6. In the Pick Smart Call dialog box, select a Smart Call template.

To delete unused records created from the Auto Call button

  1. Using the Sign button:
  2. Using the Auto Update button:

 Siebel ePharma Handheld Guide for Windows-Powered Devices 
 Published: 18 July 2003