Siebel eHospitality Guide > Product Overview > Business Scenario >

Creating Functions and Specifying Function Details

S. Ross reviews the list of functions provided by Bill Smith of event sales. He has listed breakfast from 8am to 9am, a meeting from 9am to noon, a coffee break from 10:30am to 10:45am, a meeting from 1pm to 5pm, and a coffee break from 3pm to 3:15pm. All these functions will be held in the same room.

From past experience, S. Ross knows that the software development company always registers people for training, so she clicks New and creates a registration function to be held from 8am to 9am, along with breakfast. Since registration will use the same room and time period as breakfast, she clicks the move up button to position the registration record under the breakfast record, and then clicks the promote one level button to make registration a subfunction of breakfast. She also sees that the salesperson has labeled the coffee breaks as functions, but since they occupy the same space as the meeting, she reclassifies them as subfunctions.

 Siebel eHospitality Guide 
 Published: 18 April 2003