A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - L - N - O - P - R - S - T - W



activities, specifying event activities   1

Administration screens, purposes (table)   1

administrative tasks

list of   1

workflow diagram, setting up eHospitality   1


about and defined   1

creating   1

double-booking   1

property, associating with   1

reserving asset, about   1

Assets screen, about   1

attachments, related to events

storing   1

viewing   1

audience of guide   1

Audio/Visual Event Order order type, described   1

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Banquet Event Order (BEO)

order type, described   1

report, generating   1

business scenarios

assets, reserving   1

event check, opening   1

event check, processing   1

event details, specifying   1

functions, creating and specifying function details   1

invoice, generating   1

order details, specifying   1

orders, creating   1

pending event, specifying information   1

pending events, reviewing   1

workflow diagram, sequence of tasks   1

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Catalog Administration screen, about   1


categories, adding   1

categories, associating products with   1

creating catalogs   1

defined   1

product structure diagram   1


See also Setting Up Product Categories

catalog categories, associating products with   1

catalog, adding categories to   1

category, subcategory, product, and asset, relationship between (diagram)   1

eHospitality categories, default list   1

Category Administration screen

categories, creating   1

product subcategories, creating   1

purposes of (table)   1

Category List of Values (LOV), about adding categories to list   1

charge codes

See also Defining Charge Codes, Taxes, and Service Charges

about and types   1

defined   1

defining charge codes   1

product subcategories, associating with   1

relationship between taxes, service charges, and properties   1

service charges, associating with   1

taxes and service charges, constraints on associating   1

taxes, defining   1

taxes. associating with   1


event checks, about   1

event checks, modifying line items   1

event checks, opening   1

invoices, voiding an invoice   1

posting   1

posting and generating an invoice   1

trial checks, about creating   1

trial checks, creating a trial check   1

complex product

See also Creating Complex Products

child products, about creating   1

creating complex product   1

defined   1

preparing to create   1

copying function or subfunction   1

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double-booking assets, about   1

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Administration screens, purposes (table)   1

categories, default list   1

end-user screens, purposes (table)   1

home page, about and example   1

home page, criteria for displaying records   1

home page, destinations of links (table)   1

product structure, diagram   1


members, viewing   1

property team, assigning to   1

property team, removing   1

end-user screens, purposes (table)   1

event activities, specifying   1

event checks

See also Generating Invoices

about   1

line items, modifying   1

opening   1

posting   1

working with   1

Event Order order type, described   1

Events screen, about   1

events, using eHospitality after

checks, posting   1

checks, posting and generating an invoice   1

event checks, about   1

event checks, modifying line items   1

event checks, opening   1

event checks, working with   1

events, orders, functions, and line items, relationship between   1

invoice information, viewing   1

invoices, voiding an invoice   1

orders, understanding   1

trial checks, about creating   1

trial checks, creating a trail check   1

events, using eHospitality before

activities, specifying   1

assets, about reserving   1

assets, double-booking   1

attached file, storing   1

attachment files. viewing   1

Banquet Event Order (BEO) report, generating   1

currently pending events, reviewing information about   1

function details, specifying   1

function line items, about   1

function line items, adding for a function   1

function line items, specifying details   1

function, cancelling   1

functions, adding to an event   1

home page, about and example   1

home page, criteria for displaying records   1

home page, destinations of links (table)   1

order details, specifying   1

order notes, storing   1

order, creating   1

orders, about and order types   1

pending event, accepting or rejecting   1

pending event, reviewing more detailed information about   1

proposed event, specifying information about   1

Schedule of Events (SOE) report, generating   1

subfunctions or function, copying   1

subfunctions, about working with   1

subfunctions, adding to an event   1


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attachment files, storing   1

attachment files, viewing   1

function line items

See also Specifying Function Line Items

about   1

details, specifying   1

function, adding for   1


See also Specifying Function Line Items

cancelling a function   1

copying function or subfunction   1

details, specifying   1

event, adding function to   1

function line item, adding for   1

subfunctions, about working with   1

subfunctions, adding to an event   1

Functions screen, about   1

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getting started

See also Getting Started with Siebel eHospitality

tasks, list of   1

workflow diagram, setting up eHospitality   1

group predefined business type   1


audience   1

organization of   1

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home page

about and example   1

links, destinations of (table)   1

records, criteria for displaying   1

Home screen, about   1

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posting check, generating after   1

viewing information   1

voiding an invoice   1

Invoices[Event Invoices] screen, about   1

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local predefined business type   1

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No BEO (Banquet Event Order) order type, described   1

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Order screen, about   1


about and order types   1

creating order   1

events, orders, functions, and line items, relationship between   1

order details, specifying   1

order notes, storing   1

understanding   1

organization of guide   1

Back to top



price lists

creating, about   1

defining a price list   1

property, associating with   1

Pricing Administration screen, about   1

Product Administration screen, about   1

product categories

creating product categories   1

defined   1

eHospitality categories, default list   1

product structure diagram   1

subcategories, creating   1

product subcategories, associating with charge codes   1


See also Creating Simple and Complex Products

product structure diagram   1


adding properties   1

assets, associating with   1

defined   1

price list, associating with   1

property team, assigning employee to   1

property team, removing employee   1

property team, viewing members   1

relationship between charge codes. taxes, and service charges   1

rooms, adding   1

taxes, associating with   1

Property Administration screen, about   1

property team

employee, assigning to   1

employee, removing   1

members, viewing   1


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Rental Order order type, described   1


Banquet Event Order reports, generating   1

Schedule of Events (SOE) report, generating   1

rooms, adding to properties   1

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Schedule of Events (SOE) report

generating   1

service charges

See also Defining Charge Codes, Taxes, and Service Charges

charge codes and taxes, constraints on associating   1

charge codes, associating with   1

defining service charges   1

setting up

assets, about and defined   1

assets, creating   1

assets. associating with a property   1

catalog categories, associating products with   1

catalog, adding categories   1

catalogs, creating catalogs   1

catalogs, definition   1

charge code, taxes, service charges, and properties, relationship between (diagram)   1

charge codes, about and types   1

charge codes, associating with product subcategories   1

charge codes, defined   1

charge codes, defining charge codes   1

charge codes, defining taxes   1

charge codes, taxes, and service charges, constraints on associating   1

charge codes. associating a tax with   1

charge codes. associating service charges with   1

complex product, creating   1

complex product, preparing to create   1

price lists, about creating   1

price lists, associating with a property   1

price lists, defining a price list   1

product categories, about   1

product categories, creating product categories   1

product categories, default list   1

product categories, relationship diagram   1

product subcategories, creating   1

properties, adding properties   1

properties, adding rooms   1

properties, defined   1

property team, assigning employee to   1

property team, removing employee   1

property team, viewing members   1

service charges, defined   1

service charges, defining service charges   1

simple and complex products, about and defined   1

simple products, creating simple products   1

tasks list   1

taxes, associating with a property   1

workflow process, activating   1

simple products

See also Creating Complex Products

creating simple products   1

defined   1

subcategories, creating   1


about working with   1

copying function or subfunction   1

event, adding to   1

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Tax Administration screen, about   1


See also Defining Charge Codes, Taxes, and Service Charges

charge codes and service charges, constraints on associating   1

charge codes, associating with   1

charge codes, defining   1

property, associating with   1

relationship between charge codes, service charges, and properties   1

trial checks

creating a trial check   1

creating, about   1

invoice, voiding an invoice   1

posting   1

posting and generating an invoice   1

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process, activating   1

sequence of tasks, diagram   1

setting up eHospitality, diagram   1

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 Siebel eHospitality Guide 
 Published: 18 April 2003