Siebel eHospitality Guide > Using Siebel eHospitality Before Events > Creating Functions >

Working with Subfunctions

Events planners and events managers may want to associate subfunctions with one or more of the functions in an event. A subfunction is an activity that is associated with a function, that takes place during a time that overlaps with the associated function, and that either uses the same room as the function, or does not require a reserved room.

For example, if an events planner is planning a function that is an all-morning seminar, with a coffee break in the back of the seminar room part-way through the morning, the coffee break can be planned as a subfunction of the seminar, rather than requiring the seminar to be split into two discontinuous functions separated by a coffee break function.

In a list of functions for an event, a subfunction is shown as indented under the function with which it is associated. As with standard Windows hierarchical lists, lists of event functions and subfunctions can be expanded to show all subfunctions or collapsed so that a plus symbol (+) appears to the left of any function that has undisplayed subfunctions.

Line items for a subfunction are handled in the same way as line items for a function.

The following procedure describes how to create a subfunction.

To add a subfunction to an event

  1. Follow the instructions in To add a function to an event.
  2. Select the function you want to change to a subfunction.
  3. In the Functions list, click the move up or move down button to place the selected function directly under the function that will serve as parent to the subfunction.
  4. In the Functions list, click the promote one level button to change the selected record to a subfunction of the function listed directly above.
  5. The subfunction is indented under the function, and a minus sign (-) appears to the left of the function.

  6. If you prefer to hide the subfunction, click the minus sign (-) to the left of the parent function.
  7. The subfunction record disappears, and a plus sign (+) replaces the minus sign (-) next to the function.

 Siebel eHospitality Guide 
 Published: 18 April 2003