Siebel Incentive Compensation Administration Guide > Plan Design >

Creating a Plan Rule Rate Table

After selecting your plan rules, you must determine how compensation is paid for the plan rule. You can determine the rate or dollar amount paid to the employee for each level of performance. For example, you might create a commission rule based on revenue, and then specify that if the revenue on a deal is between $100,000 and $150,000, the employee receives 2% of the deal compensation, and if the deal is between $150,000 and $200,000, the employee receives 4% of the deal compensation.

You can create a Plan Rule Rate Table by associating a stand-alone Rule Rate Table to a Plan.

CAUTION:  The following procedure assumes you have already created a stand-alone rule and associated a plan rule with your compensation plan.

To create a rule rate table

  1. From the application-level menu, choose View > Site Map > Incentive Compensation Administration > Plans.
  2. In the Plans list, select a plan, and then drill down on the hyperlink in the Name field.
  3. Select the Plan Rules view tab, select a Plan Rule, and then drill down on the hyperlink in the Name field.
  4. Select the Rate Table view tab, and in the Rate Table list, click New.
  5. In the new rate table record, enter the low value and high value for Performance Measure 1.
  6. Sample values are shown in the following table.

    Low Value
    High Value

    NOTE:  When you create a rate table, start the next record with the high value of the previous line. If the high value is not defined, the calculation engine assumes infinity. To create a flat rate in which the rate for the deal is always 2%, the low value equals zero and the high value is null (infinity).

  7. Enter values for Performance Measure 2, if you have one for your plan rule.
  8. You cannot create a second performance measure for the rule type Bonus-Other Results.

  9. In the Amount field, enter the payment rate or dollar amount for your performance measure.
  10. The type of rate available depends on your rule type.

    You can use multiplier fields in your rate table. You can also create your own formulas as the rate.

  11. Complete the remaining fields as needed.
  12. Different fields appear depending on the type of performance measure you chose.

    For information on field descriptions, see Creating a Stand-Alone Rule Rate Table.

Repeat this process for each performance tier.

NOTE:  In the Rules view, you select a table type for your plan rule—either Simple or Tiered. When defining rates for plan rule, review the selected table type to make sure the payment rates are what you expect.

Using the Rate Calculation Field

You can use the Rate Calculation field to define the payout of a rate table. For example, you can pay out an amount equal to the actual %Quota attained, multiplied by the target incentive. Because %Quota attainment can vary, multiple rows in the rate table are not feasible. Using a calculated field in the rate table, you can have a single row in the rate table. The following example shows the rate calculation:

[PM.%Quota] x [Target Incentive]

Siebel Incentive Compensation rate tables are preconfigured to calculate payout based on the percentage of a deal, a dollar amount, or a target incentive amount. However, you can also calculate payout using your own formulas. You define the formulas in the Calculation field.

NOTE:  The second performance measure can be used in a rate calculation from the same rule. However, a second performance measure from the linked rule cannot be used. You must designate both plans as active plans in the Incentive Compensation Plans view.

Table 18 lists the fields available in the Calculation field and describes the required syntax.

Table 18.  Available Fields and Required Syntax for Creating Rate Tables
Fields from Calculation Workbook (CW)
[CW.Qty Requested]
Includes Calculation Workbook fields in the calculation. Use with nonaggregate rules, such as commission rules.
Fields from Employee Workbook (EW)
Includes Employee Workbook fields in the calculation. Use with Bonus-Other Results rules.
Performance Measures (PM)
Includes the first performance measure of the plan rule in the calculation. Use performance measures with aggregate or nonaggregate rules.
When either %Quota or Cumulative %Quota is used as performance measures in a plan rule, PM.Revenue can be used within the Rate Calculation field of the rate table.
Quota Target
[Quota Objective]
[Quota Objective]
Includes the quota target amount as part of the calculation. This field can be used with %Quota or Cumulative %Quota rule and is not supported with group, nonaggregated rules.
Target Incentive
[Target Incentive]
[Target Incentive]
Includes the target incentive of the participant as part of the calculation. This field is not supported with group, aggregate rules.
Target Incentive
[Plan Rule Target Incentive]
[Participant Plan Rule Target Incentive]
Target incentive for the plan rule.

Here are some examples:

CAUTION:  Always insert a space between % and the measure field in the performance measure syntax (for example, [PM.% Quota]). If you omit the space, the formula will not calculate.

Rate Calculation Field Names

The Rate Calculation field names in the Siebel Incentive Compensation views are different than the business component field names used in the calculation formula. Rate Calculation field names must be identical to Business Component field names. They may appear different than the labels that appear on the user interface.

 Siebel Incentive Compensation Administration Guide 
 Published: 18 April 2003