Siebel eInsurance Guide > Contacts > End-User Procedures >

Managing Contact Information

Contacts are entities or individuals with whom the company currently does business or with whom it expects to do business in the future. End users manage contact information by:

Adding Contacts

When end users meet someone in the course of business, they add a contact record for that individual to track pertinent personal information and possible potential future business.

NOTE:  The My Personal Contacts view is different from the other Contacts views because it is designed for contacts not associated with a company. Therefore, in the My Personal Contacts view, adding a company to a record does not also add it to the My Contacts view, All Contacts view, and so on. End users must add business contacts in the My Contacts view proper. They must create, review, and manage activities for their personal contacts only in the Activities view of the My Personal Contacts view, not in the other Contacts views.

To add a contact

  1. Navigate to the Contacts screen.
  2. From the Show drop-down list, select All Contacts.
  3. In the Contacts form, click the show more button, add a record, and complete the necessary fields.
  4. United States law requires that financial institutions disclose their privacy policies regarding the sharing of non-public personal information with third parties and fair credit reporting that impacts the sharing of non-public personal information with affiliates. End users can specify a privacy level by making a selection from the Privacy Option field.

  5. To specify a privacy level, scroll down to the Privacy Option field and select one of the following:

To associate a contact with a company

  1. Navigate to the Contacts screen.
  2. From the Show drop-down list, select My Contacts.
  3. In the Contacts list, select a contact.
  4. In the More Info form, click the show more button.
  5. In the Company field, click the select button.
  6. In the Company dialog box, click New, select a record from the Add Companies list, and then click OK.
  7. The application automatically associates the company with the contact and populates the address with the default company address information.

  8. To enter an alternate address, click the select button in the Address Line field.
  9. The Contact Addresses dialog box appears.

  10. Click New, enter the new address, and then click Save.
  11. The Contact Addresses dialog box displays the new company address.

  12. To specify an address as the contact's primary address, click the Primary field and click OK.
  13. NOTE:  The last address highlighted in the Companies Addresses dialog box appears in the Address Line field.

  14. In the Time Zone field, select the contact's time zone.

Creating Categories for Contact Information

If the default Contacts list and More Info form do not contain fields to track the type of information that end users need to track, they can add additional categories. A manager may have set up a list of values from which they can select.

To add a category to a contact

  1. Navigate to the Contacts screen.
  2. From the Show drop-down list, select My Contacts.
  3. In the Contacts list, select a contact.
  4. Click the Categories view tab.
  5. In the Categories list, add a record.
  6. In the Category field, click the select button.
  7. The Pick Category dialog box appears.

  8. Select a category from the list of values and click OK, or click New and create a new category.
  9. Complete the necessary fields.
  10. Create additional categories by repeating Step 5 through Step 8.

Creating Notes About a Contact

As end users work with contacts, they learn things they may want to remember. Often these tidbits of information are best stored as notes. Users can create notes that everyone with access to the contact record can see, or they can create notes that only they can see.

To create a note regarding a contact

  1. Navigate to the Contacts screen.
  2. From the Show drop-down list, select My Contacts.
  3. In the Contacts list, either select the contact for whom you wish to create a note or create a new contact.
  4. NOTE:  If the contact does not exist, add it. For more information, see Adding Contacts.

  5. Click the Notes view tab.
  6. From the Show drop-down list, select one of the following:
  7. In the Notes list, add a record and complete the necessary fields.
  8. Some fields are described in the following table.

    Created Date
    Automatically populates with a date and time stamp.
    Default value is Note. Select alternate value to categorize the type of note.
    Text field for the content of the note.

Managing Contact Referral Information

The Referrals view tab allows end users to enter referral information associated with contacts. Referrals are potential opportunities.

In the Referrals tab view, end users can record both referrals they give to their contacts as well as referrals received from a contact.

To enter a referral received to or from a contact

  1. Navigate to the Contacts screen.
  2. From the Show drop-down list, select My Contacts.
  3. In the Contacts list, select the contact for whom you wish to log a referral.
  4. Click the Referrals view tab.
  5. From the drop-down list, select Referrals From This Contact.
  6. In the list, add a record and complete the necessary fields.
  7. Some fields are described in the following table.

    Select an existing company or create a new one. The company selected represents the potential opportunity for your organization.
    Last Name
    Select a contact to associate with the referral company as selected in the Company field; if you entered a Company, the list of Contacts is restricted to those associated with the selected company.
    To create a new company for a referral:
    1. On the Contacts screen, create contacts for the company. For more information, see To add a contact.
    2. Associate those contacts with the new company. For more information, see To associate a contact with a company.
    3. On Referrals view tab, select the Contact from the Pick Contact dialog box associated with this field.
    Referred By
    Select the employee who made the referral.

To create a referral to a contact

  1. Navigate to the Contacts screen.
  2. From the Show drop-down list, select My Contacts.
  3. In the Contacts list, select the contact for whom you wish to create a referral.
  4. Click the Referrals view tab.
  5. Scroll down to Referrals to This Contact list.
  6. In the list, add a record and complete the necessary fields.
  7. Some fields are described in the following table.

    The status of the referral.
    Select an existing company or create a new one. The company selected represents the potential opportunity for your service provider.
    Last Name
    Select a contact to associate with the referral company as selected in the Company field; if you entered a Company, the list of Contacts is restricted to those associated with the selected company.
    To create a new company for a referral:
    1. On the Contacts screen, create contacts for the company. For more information, see To add a contact.
    2. Associate those contacts with the new company. For more information, see To associate a contact with a company.
    3. On Referrals view tab, select the Contact from the Pick Contact dialog box associated with this field.
    Referred By
    Select the employee from your organization who made the referral.

 Siebel eInsurance Guide 
 Published: 04 June 2003