Siebel Interactive Designer Administration Guide > Working with Projects >

Deploying a Project

After previewing and validating your application, use the Deploy button to deploy the files to the appropriate environment.

To deploy your application

  1. Open the project you want to deploy.
  2. Unlock all pagesets for the project.
  3. NOTE:  Complete the following two steps if you did not already complete them to preview your application.

  4. In your Siebel application .cfg file, set the WebClientSiteDir variable to the directory you want your files published to. This directory must specify the Siebel Web Engine, the public folder, and the language folder, as in SWEAPP\public\<lang>.
  5. The files will be saved to this folder under the ISSRUN\CDAPROJECTS directory. For example, if the WebClientSiteDir variable is set to eapps\public\enu, then for the project "QuickTour" whose project location is set to "QuickTour," its runtime files are deployed to eapps\public\enu\issrun\cdaprojects\QuickTour.

  6. If you are deploying in multiple languages, repeat Step 3 for each .cfg file in each language folder.
  7. The .cfg files live under the Siebel Root\bin\<lang> directory. Open each language directory, for example, ENU for English, and set the WebClientSiteDir variable in the .cfg file to point to the appropriate Siebel Web Engine for that language's deployment.

  8. From the Project View applet menu, choose Deploy.
  9. The project version number is increased by an increment of one and all files in the Project Files view are saved to the project directory (the directory you specified when you created the project) under the directory you specified in the WebClientSiteDir variable in your Siebel application .cfg file.

 Siebel Interactive Designer Administration Guide 
 Published: 18 April 2003