Siebel Marketing Guide > External Data Mapping > Working With Tables >

Mapping Tables From a Data Source

When you add (map) a table in Siebel Marketing Administration, a server process links to the physical table in the data source and maps the definition of its fields. Because you might need the same data for many different purposes, you can map a table multiple times. The process to retrieve the table definition is referred to as a data dictionary task.

NOTE:  You cannot delete a table after it is saved because others may be using fields from an existing table.

Use the Tables view to map the Marketing Server metadata to tables within your target data source that contain data relevant to your marketing programs and campaigns.

To map a table

  1. From the application-level menu, choose View > Site Map > Marketing Administration > External Data Mapping.
  2. Click the Tables view tab.
  3. In the Tables list, create a new record.
  4. Complete the necessary fields, using Table 19 as a guide, and save the record.

Table 19.  Table Fields
(Optional) Type a constraint (SQL expression) to create a restricted view of the table by applying SQL WHERE clauses to the table. Constraints are applied every time the table is accessed. The syntax of the clause is not validated when you add the table record. If you want to apply Program or Stage specific constraints use the Filter functionality. The Marketing Server will prefix the constraint with WHERE before executing SQL For examples, see the following list:
  • If you want to create a subset of a transaction table for a specific geographic region, you might type the constraint: State=CA.
  • If you want to create a constraint limiting the data to accounts with an opening balance greater than $500,000, you might type OPENING_BALANCE>500000.
The field name for a constraint should be in upper case for SQL Server databases.
If you add a constraint to a union table, the constraint applies to each of the partition tables as well.
Type a description for the new table. If it is a union or partition table, note that in the description.
Reference Name
Type a name for the table as you would want it to appear in the Tables list.
If you are not adding a constraint (SQL expression), you might want to use the same value as in the Table Name field. If you are using a constraint, you should use a name that indicates the original table's name and the constraint.
Click the Server select button. In the Pick Server dialog box, choose a previously defined data source server, and click OK.
If the Marketing Repository server is not listed as an option, create this server definition before continuing.
Not currently used. You can type the estimated number of records (rows) in the table. The default is 100.
Table Name
Type the name of the table to which you are mapping or linking, using this form: TableOwner.ActualTableName.
The table name is case sensitive because supported platforms have different requirements. Use the following convention when typing table names:
  • IBM DB2. The tableowner and table name should always be uppercase, for example, TABLEOWNER_NAME.TABLE_NAME.
  • Microsoft SQL Server. The tableowner is case sensitive, and the table name should always be uppercase, for example, tableowner_name.TABLE_NAME. If the table name is not uppercase, attribute synchronization fails.
  • ORACLE. The tableowner should always be uppercase. The table name case does not matter. For example, TABLEOWNER_NAME.TABLE_NAME, or TABLEOWNER_NAME.table_name.
If you want to create union or partition tables, see Understanding Partition and Union Tables.
Table Type
Choose the Table Type from the list of values. Options are Regular, Union, or Analytic Adapters.
Most tables will be of type Regular.
Use Union tables only if you are partitioning large tables. For more information on creating union tables, see Understanding Partition and Union Tables.
Analytic Adapter tables have a specific structure that accommodates data import from a third-party analysis tool. When you load tables using the Analytic Adapters view, only tables of type Analytic Adapter appear in the Analytic Adapters view list. For more details, see About Analytic Adapters.
You cannot change the table type after the table is saved.

 Siebel Marketing Guide 
 Published: 23 June 2003