Siebel Marketing Guide > Program and Campaign Management Tools > Forecasting for Campaigns >

Tracking Campaign Results under a Forecast

You can track the performance for each campaign based on a Campaign Plan using the Campaign Plan Results view. his view appears next to the Campaign Plan Forecast view and displays the actual revenue, expenses, response rates, and ROI for each campaign.

To add the campaign results, select the campaign from the campaign list in the Results list. With a campaign selected in the list, each Result Input will be credited to that Campaign.

You can see that the Results view contains the same set of inputs as the Campaign Plan Forecast: Results Summary, Segment Results, List Results, Revenue Results, Cost Results, Cost Allocation Results. Use each of these tabs to record the actual results that your campaign achieved.

If you selected Copy to Campaign on the Campaign Plan Forecast (Input Summary), the forecast values from the forecast tabs are copied to each of the Result tabs. In this case, you will probably not need to add new records for most of your data, because the forecast value is already added. To add the actual amount spent for each forecasted input, type the values in the Actual columns on each tab. If required, you can also add new Costs in the Cost Results view that were not included in the original forecast. For new cost records, select the cost type (Per Campaign, Per Inbound Contact, or Per Outbound Contact). The forecast columns will equal zero.

Refreshing Values for Campaign Result Inputs

Several of the fields in the Results view can be automatically updated from the real data in the transaction database. The following is a list of fields that can be refreshed:

To update these values with the most recent information, click the Refresh Values button in the Results Summary form and then refresh the view to display the new values. After these fields are updated, you can recalculate the entire financial model by clicking the Recalculate button in the Results list.

The campaign results summary will also be recalculated anytime the marketing plan is recalculated that includes the campaign plan.

 Siebel Marketing Guide 
 Published: 23 June 2003