Siebel Marketing Guide > Specifying Waves and Vendor-Specific Lists >

Creating Vendor-Specific Lists

In addition to splitting target contacts in your distribution list by wave, you can also split the contacts in each wave by vendor.

Before you set up vendor distribution, make sure you have defined an output file layout, vendor profiles, and distribution method profiles (if you are using email or FTP to deliver the list to the vendor). The output file layout must be specified in the Stage Details form. For more information, see Working With Output File Layouts, Defining Distribution Profiles for Vendors, and Using Delivery Profiles - Email, eNewsletter, and Fax.

For example, you create three waves for a selected campaign. You set up the list for the first wave, with a count of 500,000 (50 percent of the total), to be split equally between two vendors (each with approximately 250,000 names). If each wave's contacts is split between two vendors, a total of six lists will be generated.

You can also split the distribution list by list measures. To be used, List measures must be included in the snapshot.

If you are splitting by list measures, Siebel Marketing creates a separate file for each unique value that it finds. For example, if you select CUSTOMER_STATE as the list measure, Siebel Marketing creates a separate file for each state it finds.

To set up vendor-specific lists

  1. From the application-level menu, choose View > Site Map > Campaigns > My Campaign Plans.
  2. In the Campaign Plans list, select the campaign and click the Waves view tab.
  3. In the Waves list, select the wave.
  4. In the List Distribution list, create a new record.
  5. Complete the necessary fields for each vendor, using Table 71 as a guide, and save the record.

Table 71.  Fields, List Distribution Form
Type the percentage of contacts that will be distributed to this vendor.
Distribution Method
This read-only field displays the defined distribution method associated with the vendor. For more information on defining distribution methods, see Setting Up Vendor Profiles.
File Format
Choose the File Format from the list. The options are ASCII-Comma Separated, ASCII-Fixed Length, and EBCDIC-Fixed Length.
EBCDIC stands for Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code. This standard code uses 8 bits to represent each of up to 256 alphanumeric characters.
This check box sets the header flag for the output list. If the flag for a header was set in the Output File Layouts view, this column contains a check mark.
A header includes the following information in the following order:
  • Stage name.
  • Campaign source code.
  • Vendor name.
  • Wave source code.
  • List format ID.
  • Location of the output list (path and timestamp).
  • Record length (the sum of the width of the components in the output file layout).
  • Column headers.
Output File Layout
Choose the output file layout from the list. To be available for selection, the output file layout must be associated with the program stage that the campaign references.
Measure Name
If you are splitting the list by a measure, click the Measure name select button. In the Measures dialog box, choose the measure from the list and click OK. The measure must be included in the output file layout associated with the stage.
Seed Flag
The Seed Flag (that indicates whether a seed list will be automatically merged with the distribution list) is set to No as a default, until the output file layout is selected. The seed list is associated with the generated list in the Output File Layouts view in the Marketing Administration screen.
If you did not associate a seed list with the list in the Output File Layout view, the field value will remain as No.
If a seed list is associated with the Output File Layout, and the seed flag is not selected, the seeds will not be added to the generated list.
Choose the vendor from the list of predefined vendors. For more information on setting up a vendor profile, see Setting Up Vendor Profiles.

 Siebel Marketing Guide 
 Published: 23 June 2003