Object Types Reference > Siebel Object Types >

Sub Report

Siebel Object Types > Report > Sub Report

Manages the child records of a report (where the report manages the parent records). Subreports are specific to Actuate, Microsoft Access, and general reports.


Valid Values/Examples
Business Component (R)
The name of the business component whose data will be the basis for the subreport. This business component is linked to the business component of the previous subreport declaration (if any) or the top-level report declaration.
Exported Table (R)
(CSSReport and CSSCrystalReport classes only.) The filename or the table that the subreport data will be exported to.
Inter Table (O)
The name of the intersection table to use when there is a many-to-many relationship between this business component and the parent business component.
Inter Table Name (O)
(CSSReport and CSSCrystalReport classes only.) The name of the table or the filename that the subreport intersection table data will be exported to.
When naming the intersection table, the convention is to use the parent and child business component separated by a slash mark (/).
Position (O)
The ordinal position of the subreport.
The first-level positions are 1, 2, 3, 4, and so on. The next level identifies the corresponding parent of the subreport; if Position is 1, then all successive subreport positions would be 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, and so on.
Search Specification (O)
An additional search expression that can be applied to the subreport's business component.
Sort Specification (O)
An additional sort specification that can be applied to the subreport's business component.

See Also

Business Component


Siebel Object Types > Report > Sub Report

Ordinal position

The parent/child relationship between subreports is based on the ordinal position of the subreport's declaration. If a subreport has a position of 1, 2, 3, and so on, then its parent is assumed to be the report, not a subreport.

 Object Types Reference 
 Published: 18 April 2003