Product Administration Guide > Mapping eConfigurator 6.x Features
to Release 7.x

Designing Scripts

In release 7.x, the full Siebel API is accessible from within a script. See Siebel API documentation for more information on the Siebel API. Because the Siebel API is available, the number of eConfigurator-specific events and functions has been reduced in release 7.x.

In addition, the method for associating scripts with parts of a model has changed. In release 7.x, you associate a script with an item by writing the script on an event called for the product root. The event returns a matrix of records, one for each item that has changed in the solution. An item can be any product added to the customizable product from the product table. Events do not return changes to relationship quantities or resources.

If a customizable product contains other customizable products, another event is provided so you can write scripts on the child customizable product directly.

The Script Designer in release 7.x. does not provide a hierarchical tree display of the customizable product. In release 7.x, the Cfg ID of an item can no longer be passed as an argument. Instead, the name of the item as a string is passed. A name syntax is provided to allow you to uniquely specify a product name. Table 5 maps 6.x features to 7.x for designing scripts.

Table 5.  Designing Scripts
Release 6.x
Release 7.x
Create scripts
Create scripts in the Script Designer.
Script inheritance
Scripts are not associated directly with relationships and are not inherited.
Copy, edit, and delete scripts
Copy, edit, and delete scripts.
Siebel Visual Basic and Siebel eScript languages
Siebel Visual Basic and Siebel eScript languages.
Syntax checking
Syntax checking.
Declaration area
Declaration area.
Scripts can be written on product root
Scripts can be written on product root.
Events return changes to categories
Events return changes only to items added from product table. Events do not return changes to relationship quantities.
Relationships are a grouping mechanism within a customizable product and are similar to categories.
Use Cfg_InstInitialize.
Cfg_InstInitialize triggers once when session is started.
Not supported.
Can be simulated in some cases using the User Interface API.
Use this event only for child-customizable products. Use Cfg_ChildItemChanged for other components.
Not supported.
Not supported.
Use Cfg_InstPostSynchronize.
Implemented at Instance Broker level. Use Siebel API.
Returns the row ID of the customizable product in the source object, (quote, order and so on).
Not supported. No longer meaningful.
Not supported.
Returns the quantity of a component within the customizable product. Cannot be used for relationship quantities.
Getting attribute value is supported through the Siebel API.
Supported through Siebel API
AddItem, RemoveItem

 Product Administration Guide 
 Published: 23 June 2003