Siebel Reports Administration Guide > Siebel Reports Server Views > Siebel Reports Server Views >

My Reports View

The My Reports view displays the report output files that the user has access to in the Reports applet. This includes the reports generated by the user, and the reports that other users granted the user permission to view.

The view also displays Users and Roles applets at the bottom of the view. The user may grant permission to other users and roles to view and print a report using these applets. First the user selects a report from the Reports applet. Then, users and roles are added by creating new records in the Users and Roles applets, respectively.

The My Reports view is shown in Figure 13.

Figure 13.  My Reports View

Click for full size image

This view contains the following buttons and list columns:

 Siebel Reports Administration Guide 
 Published: 18 July 2003