Siebel Search Administration Guide > Administration of Siebel Search > Advanced Search Execution Settings >

Term Generator Setting

This setting can be used for two purposes. One is to set the international thesaurus filter (word!ftiet) to support synonym, suffix searches and so on, and also to support word stemming by using the linguistic rules filter (word!ftelp). The character string literal uses the format specified for the linguistic/international thesaurus specification of the THESAURUS function. Be extremely careful when entering values for the term generator function. For more information, refer to Hummingbird Search Server Documentation on the Siebel eBusiness Third-Party Bookshelf.

Options may be: base, compound, inflect, lang=linguistic rules language, root, single.

Linguistic Searches

International Thesaurus

Table 27 explains the term generator setting in more detail.

Table 27.  Search Term Generator Options
Includes the uninflected stem of the input word in the output. If there is more than one stem, all stems are output unless /single is specified, in which case, only the first stem is output.
Performs preprocessing normalization of the search term that can generate additional search terms that are the components of a compound word. This option is only valid for German, Swedish, and Dutch. Linguistic expansion operations only work on tables, which were indexed with the Table Language index setting, set to TRUE.
Expands the base forms or stems to the inflected forms that occur in the table being searched. If there is more than one stem, all stems are output unless /single is specified, in which case, only the first stem is output. This expansion can only be performed for tables, which were indexed with the Table Language index setting, set to TRUE.
LANG=<language name>
Specifies that the rules of that language be used. The linguistic rules language options are english, French, german, Italian, Spanish, Swedish, dutch, Portuguese, finnish, bokmal, nynorsk The international thesaurus language options areUsenglish, ukenglish, Danish, dutch, finnish, german, Italian, Norwegian, Spanish, Swedish, brportuguese, euportuguese. NOTE: Asian languages are not supported.
Specifies the maximum number of synonyms for the search term in the search result.
Recapitalizes the returned synonyms. If the search term contains an initial uppercase letter, all uppercase letter, or all lowercase letters, the synonyms returned match the capitalization of the search term. If this option is not specified all the synonyms are returned in lowercase letters
Includes the uninflected stem of the input word in the output. If there is more than one stem, all stems are output unless
/single is specified, in which case, only the first stem is output.
Makes sure the output consists of a single word. If no match is found, the original is returned. Otherwise, the first word is returned.

 Siebel Search Administration Guide 
 Published: 19 June 2003