Siebel SmartScript Administration Guide > Importing and Exporting SmartScripts >

Importing Scripts

You can import scripts using a menu option available in the Scripts list on the SmartScript Administration screen. The import process checks many characteristics of script elements for error conditions. For example, it checks references to make sure that questions specified as branch destinations have been defined. When the import process has finished, a log file listing any errors can be viewed by clicking a link.

The import process transfers everything that does not cause an error or a conflict from the .sss file into the database. When you import a script, the script to be created or updated will be based on the script name for the exported script, not the file name for the script or the name of the selected script when the Import button is selected.

NOTE:  When importing a SmartScript into a local SQL Anywhere Database in which pages for the importing SmartScript already exist, delete the preexisting pages to make sure that duplicate page branches are not created. This is necessary only when importing into an SQL Anywhere Database.

Once a SmartScript has been imported, verify it by using the Verification Wizard, and then perform normal testing.

To import a script

  1. Navigate to Site Map > SmartScript Administration.
  2. Click the Script menu and select Import Script.
  3. In the Import Script form, click the select button, the fill in the required information, then click Add.
  4. If the "In Case of Error" drop-down appears, select how you want to handle conflict resolution. See Resolving Conflicts Encountered During Import for details.

  5. Click Import File in the Import Script list.
  6. If successful, you will see a message indicating that the file was imported successfully, a log file with the details of the conflict resolutions, and a message list of the different elements that were processed as part of the import.

 Siebel SmartScript Administration Guide 
 Published: 23 June 2003