Siebel Server Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows > Installing the Siebel Gateway >

Configuring the Siebel Gateway

Follow the steps below to configure the component for operation regardless of whether you will operate this server as part of a cluster.

To configure the Siebel Gateway

  1. If you closed out of the Siebel Software Configuration Wizard after installation, relaunch it, using any method described in Launching the Siebel Software Configuration Wizard. Otherwise, proceed to Step 2.
  2. The Windows User Account screen appears.

  3. On the Windows User Account screen, type the following information:
  4. Windows User Account. Type your domain name and, separated by a backward slash (\), your Windows 2000 or Windows NT user account name. (This should be the account name created to run this service.)

    Windows User Account Password. Type the password for the Windows 2000 or Windows NT Account. (This should be the password you created to run this service.)

    Windows User Account Password (confirm). Retype the password for configuration.

    NOTE:  If you did not give this account Service Owner privileges, the configuration utility prompts you to add them. In this case, click OK and the utility adds the privileges automatically.

  5. Click Next.
  6. The Gateway Name Server Listening Port screen appears.

  7. Accept the default port on which the Siebel Gateway should listen, or type an alternate port number if 2320 is used by another application.
  8. NOTE:  You may select any port number that is free on the machine where the Siebel Gateway is running. However, if a firewall is configured between your Web clients and your Siebel Gateway, and Central Dispatch is not being used, you must first open your chosen port on the firewall.

  9. Click Next to configure the service in either of the following ways:
  10. Click Next.
  11. The Start the Siebel Gateway Now screen appears.

  12. Configure the service in either of the following ways:
  13. Click Next to review the configuration values you entered on the previous Configuration Wizard screens and if you are satisfied, click Finish.
  14. NOTE:  If you need to change any values, use the Previous and Next buttons to access the screens on which to change entries, then to return to this screen.

    When the configuration activities are over, a message box appears with the text:

    The configuration changes were applied successfully.

  15. Click OK.
  16. If you have not yet closed out of the InstallShield Wizard, click Finish.
  17. If you would like to view events that occurred during the installation, you can access the log generated by the installer at SIEBEL_ROOT\log.txt or the log generated by the Siebel application at SIEBEL_ROOT\gtwysrvr\LOG.

  18. If you did not configure the Siebel Gateway for automatic start, you must start it before you can install the Siebel Server. You can start it manually or through the MS Cluster Administrator, if you are clustering it.
  19. For information about starting the Siebel Gateway manually, see Starting the Siebel Gateway Manually. For information about starting the Siebel Gateway through the Cluster Administrator, see the vendor's documentation.

 Siebel Server Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows 
 Published: 25 June 2003