Siebel Tools Reference > Configuring the Customer Dashboard >

Using Siebel VB Script and eScript

The customer dashboard provides APIs to pull information from or push information to the dashboard using Siebel VB or eScript. Since the customer dashboard is a separate frame in the application, it requires a UI event to update the dashboard using Siebel VB or eScript. This means that you can only update the dashboard in this manner by adding a button to an applet and then calling the Update Dashboard command. When adding the button make sure that you set the Target Frame View property to Dashboard.

NOTE:  The Customer Dashboard architecture only allows one UI update for each user UI event. For example, if you put a button on a view, the clicking of the button is one UI event. For that event, you can only execute one UI update, such as updating the dashboard. The code behind a single button cannot have two UI updates, such as updating the dashboard and then going to a new view in the main frame of the application.

To add a button that calls the Update Dashboard Command

  1. Locate the applet on which you want to place the button.
  2. Add the button as an applet control and the script behind the button

    See Customer Dashboard Commands for a list of available commands.

  3. Set the button property, Target Frame View to Dashboard.

 Siebel Tools Reference
 Published: 20 October 2003