Siebel Tools Reference


How This Guide Is Organized

Revision History

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Siebel Tools Installation

Preinstallation Tasks

Verifying Siebel Tools Prerequisites

Installing a Database Server or Sample Database

Installing Siebel Tools

Language Pack Installation

ODBC Installation

Postinstallation Tasks

Verifying Successful Installation

Verifying the Siebel Tools Directory Structure

Verify Read/Write Access to Tools Directories

Siebel Tools ODBC Data Sources

Running Multiple Local Databases

Repository Naming Conventions

Setting Up the Development Environment

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Siebel Architecture (Basic Concepts)

About Siebel Tools

Application Architecture Overview

Siebel Objects

Siebel Object Definitions

Object Types and Parent-Child Relationships

Classes in Siebel Tools

Siebel Repository

Object Layers and Hierarchy

Data Objects Layer

Business Objects Layer

Logical User Interface Objects Layer

Physical UI Layer

Summary of the Major Object Types

Operating Architecture Overview

Siebel Web Engine Infrastructure

About Standard and High Interactivity

JavaScript Object Architecture in High Interactivity

Enabling and Disabling High Interactivity for Applications

Enabling and Disabling High Interactivity for Views

High Interactivity Configuration Considerations

Integrating Siebel with J2EE

Siebel Partner Connect and Siebel Tools for Partner Connect

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Siebel Tools Fundamentals

What Is Siebel Tools?

Siebel Tools Features

Siebel Tools Application Window

Siebel Objects

Siebel Object Explorer

Web Layout Editors

Script Editors


Target Browser Support

Object Repository

About the Object Explorer

Object Explorer Window

Showing and Hiding Objects in the Object Explorer

Filtering Object Types by Project

Object List Editor Window

Other Windows

Hiding the Windows

Docking the Windows

Image Preview


Viewing Object Definitions

Modifying, Copying, and Creating New Object Definitions

Object Definitions, Value Types, and Naming Conventions

Modifying Object Definitions

Creating a Copy of an Existing Object Definition

Creating a New Object Definition

Undoing New or Changed Object Definitions

Validating Object Definitions

Compiling and Testing Object Definitions

Compiling Projects

Compiling Single Objects or a Group of Objects

Compiling the Siebel Repository Using the Command-Line Interface

Testing Repository Changes

Setting Up Debug Options

Understanding the Changed Flag and Pencil Icon

Using Queries to List Object Definitions

Simple Queries

Compound Queries

Searching the Repository for Object Definitions

Getting Reports About Object Relationships

Viewing Object Relationships: Visualization Views

Details Visualization Views

Relationships Visualization View

Descendents Visualization View

Web Hierarchy Visualization Views

Siebel Tools Product Components

Siebel Object Interfaces

Siebel Database Extension Designer

Siebel Application Upgrader

Siebel Upgrade Inheritance

Siebel Object Comparison and Synchronization

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Application Configuration (Basic Concepts)

About Configuration

Usage and Configuration of Non-Licensed Objects

Configuration Goals and Objectives

Overview of the Web Configuration Process

Planning Considerations

Overview of the Application Development Process

Siebel Object Definition Sequence

Application Enhancement Through Scripting and Object Interfaces

Server-Side Scripting

Browser-Side Scripting

Generating Browser Scripts


Locale Object Types

Siebel Tools Language Mode

Check In/Out

Locale Management Utility

Controlling Visibility Using Siebel Tools

Visibility Establishment Process

Visibility Property Settings in Siebel Tools

Security Considerations

Other Ways to Customize Application Behavior

Personalizing Your Web Application

Managing Web Content with Siebel eBriefings

Dynamic Data Capture with Siebel eSmartScript

Siebel Assignment Manager

Siebel Business Process Designer

State Model

Siebel ePricer

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Data Objects Layer

Data Object Types


Base Tables

Properties of the Table Object Type

Data Tables

Extension Tables

Intersection Tables

Column Objects

Column Object Type

Data Columns

Extension Columns

System Columns


Index Column Object Type

User Keys

EIM Interface Tables

EIM Object Types

Labeling Data Loaded in EIM As No Match Row Id Instead of NULL

Access Control


Person-Related Data

Organization-Related Data

Party Business Components


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Adding Custom Extensions to the Data Model

About Extending the Siebel Data Model

About Standard Database Extensibility

Using Standard Database Extensibility

Database Extension Planning and Design

Planning and Design Steps

Naming Conventions for Extension Tables and Columns

Accommodating Active Mobile Clients

DBMS Restrictions

Database Extension Implementation

Checking Out and Locking the Projects

Updating the Logical Schema Definition in the Local Environment

Creating a Custom Extension Table

Adding Extension Columns to Tables

Creating Extension Columns of Type LONG

Modifying Extension Tables or Columns

Deleting Extension Tables or Columns

Using Extensions with Enterprise Integration Manager

Adding Custom Indexes

Applying the Physical Schema Extensions to the Local Database

Displaying Extension Data

Displaying Base Table Extension Column Data

Displaying Data in One-to-One Extension Tables

Displaying Data from One-to-Many Extension Tables

Preparing the Server Database Before Applying Schema Extensions

Applying the Changes to the Server Database

Applying Schema Changes Using Siebel Tools

Applying Schema Changes Using the Configuration Utility

Applying Server Database Changes to Other Local Databases

Populating Extension Tables and Columns

Making Extension Tables Available for Population by EIM

Configuring Client-Side Import

Advanced Database Extensibility

Creating New Tables Using the Table Wizard

EIM Table Mapping Wizard

Dock Objects

Dock Object Types

Dock Object Tables

Dock Object Visibility Rules

Finding the Dock Object for a Business Component

Docking Wizard

Creating a New Dock Object

Adding a New Dock Table to an Existing Custom Dock Object

Verifying Dock Objects

Deleting and Cleansing Dock Objects

Consulting Siebel Expert Services

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Business Objects Layer

Major Business Object Types

Usage and Configuration of Non-Licensed Objects

Business Components

Base Tables of Business Components

Joined Tables and Extension Tables of Business Components

Sort Specification Property

Search Specification Property

Configuring Data-Driven Read-Only Behavior

Intersection Business Components

Virtual Business Components

Master-Detail Business Components


System Fields

Calculated Fields

Field Data Types

Sequence Fields


How a Join Is Constructed

Using a Predefault Value for a Join Field

Party Business Components and Joins: Party Extension Tables

Mapping Fields in Party Business Components

Bringing Party Data into a Non-Party Business Component

Bringing Party Data into Party Business Components

Mapping a Field to a Column in a Party Table


How a Link Is Constructed

Using a Link in a Master-Detail View

Using a Link in a Multi-Value Group

Using a Link in a Many-to-Many Relationship

Using a Link When Merging Records

Cascade Delete Property

Multi-Value Links

How a Multi-Value Link Is Constructed

How an Indirect Multi-Value Link Is Constructed

Primary ID Field

How a Cascade Copy with a Multi-Value Link Is Constructed

About Business Objects

How a Business Object Is Constructed

Business Services

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Defining Business Objects and Business Components

About the Application Development Process

Defining Business Objects

Usage and Configuration of Non-Licensed Objects

Development Sequence for Defining Business Objects

Creating or Modifying a Business Component Definition

Adding Fields to a Business Component

Configuring Dual Currency Support

Creating or Modifying a Business Object Definition

Mapping Business Components to Business Objects

Using Wizards to Create Objects

Business Component Wizard

OLEDB Rowset Wizard

Integration Object Wizard

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Logical User Interface Objects Layer

Major User Interface Object Types


Types of Applets

Form Applets

List Applets

About HTML Control Types

About the Display Format Property

About the Type Property

About the Search Specification Property


List-Form Views

Master-Detail Views

Thread Bars

Drilldown Behavior in a View

Applet Toggles


About The User Interface Navigational Paradigm


Web-Related Objects

Search and Find Objects

Toolbars and Menus

Toolbar and Menu-Related Object Types

Activating and Suppressing Menu Items and Toolbars

Invoke Method Targeting

Icon Maps

Specifying a Default Icon in an Icon Map

HTML Hierarchy Bitmap

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Logical User Interface Objects Configuration

User Interface Object Definition Sequence

About Defining Applets

About Applet Properties

Defining List Applets

Defining Form Applets

Editing the Web Layout of Applets

About Grid Layout

Converting Applets to a Grid-Based Layout

Converting One or More Applets

Converting Applets By Changing the Web Template

About Grid Layout Conversion Error Messages

Supported Applet Classes and Applet Web Templates

Editing Applets Based on Grid Layout Templates

Positioning Controls

Aligning Controls

Resizing Controls

Spacing Controls

Centering Controls

Setting Tab Order

Resizing the Grid Canvas

Setting a Default Method for an Applet

About Views

Creating Views Using the View Wizard

Creating Views Using the Object Explorer

Editing the Web Layout of Views

Configuring Views for Personal Layout Control

Providing User Access to a New View

Reasons a View Is Not Visible to a User

About Screens

Defining Screens

About Applications

Associating Screens with Page Tabs

Defining Screen Menu Items

About Web Pages

Editing the Layout of Web Page Objects

Associating Images With Siebel Objects

Defining Toolbars and Menus

Creating Command Objects

Using the Command Object Wizard

Using JavaScript to Extend Toolbars

Creating Applet Menus

Configuring Keyboard Accelerators

Adding a New Keyboard Accelerator

Modifying the Key Sequence for an Existing Accelerator

Hiding The Key Sequence in the User Interface

Design Considerations for Keyboard Accelerators

Configuring Spell Check

Using the Locale Management Utility

Finding Untranslated Text Strings

Finding Existing Translations

Exporting Strings and Other Locale-Specific Attributes

Importing Strings and Other Locale-Specific Attributes

Identifying Modified Objects

Using the LMU to Replace Strings

Running the LMU From the Command Line

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Pick Applets and Static Picklists

Pick Applets

Configuring the Originating Applet

Configuring the Pick Applet

Using the Pick Applet Wizard

Configuring the Originating Business Component

Configuring Pick Business Components

Configuring Picklists

Creating a Picklist Using the Pick List Wizard

Static Picklists

Configuring Originating Applets

Configuring Originating Business Components

Configuring the Pick List

Creating a Static Picklist Using the Pick List Wizard

The PickList Generic Business Component

Hierarchical Picklists

Pop-Up Visibility Rules

Working With Lists of Values

Multilingual Lists of Values

About the Language Independent Code

Enabling the Multilingual List of Values

Integration Considerations

Configuration Considerations

MLOV Configuration and Coding Guidelines

Querying and Multilingual Lists of Values

Configuring Siebel Business Process Designer to Use MLOV-Enabled Fields

Configuring Siebel Assignment Manager to Use MLOV-Enabled Fields

Configuring Siebel Anywhere for Use with MLOV-Enabled Fields

Administering the Multilingual List of Values

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Multi-Value Group and Association Applets

Multi-Value Group Applets

Configuring the Originating Applet

Configuring the Originating Business Component

Configuring the Multi-Value Link

Configuring Links

Configuring the Multi-Value Group Business Component

Using the MVG Wizard

Configuring the Multi-Value Group Applet

Using the MVG Applet Wizard

Association Applets

Association Applets Invoked from Master-Detail Views

Association Applets Invoked from Multi-Value Group Applets

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Special-Purpose Applets and Controls

Chart Applets

Axis Terminology

Chart Layout Options

Configuring Chart Applets

Performance Considerations

Using the Chart Applet Wizard

Tree Applets

Configuring Tree Applets and Explorer Views

Tree Applets in the Applet Web Template Layout Window

Recursive Trees

File Attachment Applets

Configuring Attachment Applets

Configuring Attachment Business Components

Configuring Attachment Tables

Pop-Up Windows

Configuring Pop-Up Applets Launched from Applets

Configuring Pop-Up Wizards

Configuring Pop-Up Views Launched from Applets

ActiveX Controls

Creating DLL and Class Objects That Reference an ActiveX Control

Adding an ActiveX Control to an Applet

Setting Properties in an ActiveX Control

ActiveX Methods and Events

Distributing ActiveX Controls

HTML Content Controls

Control Properties

Administration Views

Configuring Fields to Use Web Content Assets

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Physical User Interface Layer

Understanding Siebel Templates

Web Template Explorer

Understanding Siebel Tags

Mappings Between Controls and IDs

Singleton and Multi-Part Tags

"This" Tag


Nesting and Siebel Tags

SWE Conditional Tags

High Interactivity Versus Standard Interactivity

Navigational Constructs

Primary Tab Bar

Visibility Picklist and Detail Tab View Bar

Subcategory Views

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Physical UI Navigation and Templates

Page Templates

Web Page-Layout Container Page

HTML Frames

Support for Multiple Views on a Page

View Templates

Applet Templates

Form Applets

List Applets

Persistently Editable List Applets

Displaying Totals of List Column Values

Multi-Value Group and Pick Applets

Toggle Applets

Tree Applets

Chart Applets

Catalog-Style List Applets and Rich Lists

Toolbars and Menus

Toolbar Template Configuration

Menu Template Configuration

Thread Bar

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Special Behavior Supported by Templates

Search and Find Configuration in SWE Templates

Search and Find Applet Tags

Results Applet Tags

Favorites (Predefined Queries)

Conditional Tags

SWE Conditional Tags

Designing Browser Group-Specific Templates

Conditional Mappings for Applets

Browser-Specific Mappings

Application-Specific Mappings

More/Less Mode-Specific Mappings

Image Support

Configuring Images as Bitmap Objects

Image Formats

Using Icons for Field Values

Using Images as Links in Controls

Image Caching File Manager

Hierarchical List Applets

About Grid Layout Templates

Creating Custom HTML Control Types

Removing HTML Frames From Web Templates

Modifying Page Containers

Modifying Headers and Footers

Modifying Views with Custom Headers and Footers

Known Issues When Running Siebel Applications Without HTML Frames

Template Configuration Features

Displaying Server Side Errors

Adding Graphics

Creating Directories for Your Graphics Files

Adding Sorting Capabilities to Your Application

Cascading Style Sheets

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Code Pages and Unicode

Exporting and Importing Repository Objects

Exporting Individual Object Definitions

Exporting Object Definitions Using the Command Line Interface

Exporting Entire Projects

Importing Object Definitions

Importing Object Definitions Using the Command Line Interface

Renaming, Deleting, Backing Up, and Migrating Repositories

Renaming and Deleting Repositories

Backing Up and Restoring Repositories

Using repimexp.exe for Importing, Exporting, and Creating a File Dump

Migrating Repositories and Schemas Between Databases

Creating Patches

Creating a Patch File

Applying a Patch File

Integrating with External Source Code Control Software

Enabling the Interface

Configuring the srcctrl.bat File

Microsoft Visual SourceSafe Examples

Check In/Check Out Options (Source Control Integration)

Upgrading Repositories: Siebel Application Upgrader

Web Client Migration Wizard

Automatic Upgrade of Copied Objects

Upgrade Inheritance Scenario

Recommended Guidelines for Copying Objects

How Enhancements Are Applied During an Upgrade

Repository Location of the Upgrade Ancestor

Configuration Steps for Upgrade Inheritance

Object Comparison and Synchronization

Viewing the Object Comparison Dialog Box

Differences Between Checked-Out Projects

Entering the Comparison

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Application Development Projects

What Are Siebel Projects?

Getting Information About Repositories and Projects

Selecting the Current Repository

Getting Information About the Current Repository

Viewing Object Definitions by Project

Getting Projects

Checking Out Projects

Creating New Projects

Renaming Projects

Assigning Object Definitions to Projects

Moving Object Definitions Between Projects

Checking In Projects

Check In Dialog Box

Check-In Guidelines

Check-In/Check-Out Options (Data Sources)

Determining Project Differences at Check-In Time

Undoing Check Out

Locking Projects Directly

Project Structure Considerations

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Configuring the Customer Dashboard

Understanding the Customer Dashboard

How the Customer Dashboard is Populated With Data


Predefined Behavior

Enabling the Customer Dashboard

Configuring the Customer Dashboard

Adding a Business Component to the Dashboard Business Object

Adding a Business Component Lists to the Dashboard Business Service

Mapping Business Component Fields to the Customer Dashboard

Creating Field Labels

Formatting Phone # Fields

Configuring the GoTo View Drop-Down List

Configuring Labels for GoTo Views

Modifying the Look and Feel of the Customer Dashboard

Changing the Background Color and Border

Changing the Size and Location

Configuring Communication Events

Configuring SmartScripts

Activating the SmartScript Player

Mapping SmartScript Variables to Customer Dashboard Fields

Configuring SmartScripts to Save Answers

Using Siebel VB Script and eScript

Customer Dashboard Commands

Siebel eScript Example

Siebel VB Example

About Dual Personalization

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 Siebel Tools Reference
 Published: 20 October 2003