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Web Hierarchy Visualization Views

The Web Hierarchy Visualization View is available for applet, application, business component, screen, and view object types. The diagram displays the parent-child relationships between the selected object definition and its parent and child object definitions, as well as the parents of the parent object definitions and children of the child object definitions, up and down the hierarchy.

A simplified example of the Web Hierarchy Visualization View appears in Figure 35.

Figure 35.  Web Hierarchy Visualization View
Click for full size image

The selected object definition appears as a box in the center of the diagram. For this object definition, this diagram shows its parent-child relationships to other object definitions of various object types. Parent object definitions appear above the selected object definitions, and child object definitions appear below. The hierarchy starts with the parent application at the top level and includes screens, views, applets, and business components.

Because the entire hierarchy appears for an application, it is better to create View Hierarchy diagrams for object definitions lower in the hierarchy than the application level.

To navigate within a View Hierarchy diagram

You can also navigate to the Details Visualization View for a business component in the Hierarchy diagram by right-clicking the business component and selecting the View Details option.

 Siebel Tools Reference
 Published: 20 October 2003