Siebel Tools Reference > Logical User Interface Objects Configuration >

Configuring Views for Personal Layout Control

Certain views in Siebel applications, such as home page views, allow the user to control the layout of the view. For example, these views allow the user to:

See the Customizing Your Home Page section in Fundamentals for a description of this feature from the end-user perspective.

The user can edit view layout in two modes. Show mode and Edit Layout mode.

To configure a view to support personal layout control

  1. Set the User Layout property of the View's View Web Template object to TRUE.
  2. Define the default layout of the view by setting the following properties of the View Web Template Items associated with the view.
    • Display Size. Determines whether the applet is minimized or maximized. Always Maximized indicates that the applet cannot be minimized by the end user.

      NOTE:  Minimized and maximized are referred to as collapse and expand in the client user interface.

    • Display Visibility. Determines whether the applet is shown or hidden. Always Show indicates that the applet cannot be hidden by the end user.
    • Move Range. Defines a range in which the applet may be moved. For example, on an application home page with two columns, applets would specify a move range of either Column1 or Column2. Any applet with a move range of Column1 is movable only within the first (left) column. Any applet with a move range of Column2 is movable only within the second (right) column.

      If this property is not defined, the applet cannot be moved by the end-user. The applet location is fixed within the view. For example, the salutation applet on the home page would typically not have move range specified for it.

  3. Add the Layout Controls Applet to the view, add a corresponding View Web Template Item, and map the applet to a placeholder in the Web Template.

    There is an applet in the Siebel repository called Layout Controls applet. Add this applet to the view that you want to enable for personal layout control. It serves as a container for the controls that handle view-level operations, such as Reset Default Layout. In Show Mode, this applet appears as the Edit Layout button. In Edit Layout mode, which appears after the user clicks the Edit Layout button, this applet shows all applets on the view, and allows the user to Hide All Applets, Show All Applets, Reset Default Layout, and return to Show mode by clicking Done.

  4. Add the following view layout controls to applets within personalized views, add corresponding Applet Web Template Items, and map the controls to the appropriate placeholders in the Web template.
    • ButtonMoveAppletUp
    • ButtonMoveAppletDown
    • ButtonHideApplet
    • ButtonShowApplet
    • ButtonMinimizeApplet
    • ButtonMaximizeApplet

These view layout controls use Invoke Methods to manipulate the user's view layout preferences.

 Siebel Tools Reference
 Published: 20 October 2003