Siebel Tools Reference > Special Behavior Supported by Templates > Image Support >

Image Caching File Manager

In eapps.cfg, set the following parameters:


swe_image_cache_root = d:/swe_cache/

swe_image_cache_num_subdirs = 256

swe_image_cache_size = 8092 //In KB

swe_image_cache_cleanup_idle = 7200 //in seconds

swe_image_cache_cleanup_threshold = 2880 //in minutes

swe_image_cache_enabled = TRUE //Default is True

The default values are set as above; one can change them to different ones.

The image caching file manager only caches the product catalog images in Web server. In order to test it, one has to set images in the product catalog view (ThumbNailImage field).

 Siebel Tools Reference
 Published: 20 October 2003