Siebel Tools Reference > Physical UI Navigation and Templates > Page Templates >

HTML Frames

HTML frames are available to use in the application's container page and in View templates.

Frames are used in the container page of the application to provide independent updating and scrolling of each of the three navigation and control areas—toolbars, tab bar, and application menus/View picklist—as well as the content (View) area. This is illustrated in Figure 223.

Figure 223.  HTML Frame
Click for full size image

In a View template, applets can be grouped into separate frames, although this is considered a non-standard practice except in cases where independent refresh or independent scrolling is a significant requirement.

Rather than using the HTML <frame> and <frameset> tags, the <swe:frame> and <swe:frameset> tags are used in the Siebel applications so that SWE is aware of the frame names, and can control refresh and the targeting of URLs. These two SWE tags are described as follows:

HTML Frames in Container Page Templates

A container page template is used to create the frame definition document for the application. Note the following implementation details of <swe:frame> and <swe:frameset> tags in container pages:

The following <swe:frameset> definition is from the standard container page, CCPageContainer.swt:

<swe:frameset htmlAttr="rows='60,21,25,*' border='0' frameborder='No'">

<swe:frame type="Page" htmlAttr="marginheight='0' marginwidth='0'noresize scrolling='No'">

<swe:include file="CCFrameBanner.swt"/>


<swe:frame type="Screenbar" htmlAttr="marginheight='0' marginwidth='0' noresize scrolling='No'">

<swe:include file="CCFrameScreenbar.swt"/>


<swe:frame type="Viewbar" htmlAttr="marginheight='0' marginwidth='0' noresize scrolling='No'">

<swe:include file="CCFrameViewbar.swt"/>


<swe:frame type="View" htmlAttr="marginheight='0' marginwidth='0' noresize scrolling='Auto'">




 Siebel Tools Reference
 Published: 20 October 2003