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Adding a Business Component Lists to the Dashboard Business Service

User properties of the Persistent Customer Dashboard business service specify the business components and the list of fields available to display in the Customer Dashboard. These user properties are also known as Business Component Lists. Each user property name begins with List and is appended with a value to make the name unique, for example List1, List2, and so on. The user property value identifies the name of a business component and the list of available fields.

For example, Table 64 shows the preconfigured user properties that identify the Contact and Opportunity business components and their corresponding fields:

Table 64.  Example Persistent Customer Dashboard Business Service User Properties
Contact;Last Name;First Name;Full Name;Email Address;Work Phone #;Account;Account Location;Fax Phone #;Job Title;Mobile Phone #
Opportunity;Name;Account;Account Location;Oppty Id;Close Date;Sales Rep;Revenue;Sales Stage

To define a user property to represent a business component and fields

  1. In the Object List Editor, locate the Persistent Customer Dashboard business service.
  2. Add the List user property and define the business component name and field names as the user property's value.
    • Name. The syntax for the name is the word List followed by a number. For example, List1, List2, List3, and so on.
    • Value. The value of the user property lists the name of the business component and then the corresponding field names. Each value must be separated by a semicolon. See Table 64 for an example.

 Siebel Tools Reference
 Published: 20 October 2003