Siebel Tools Reference > Logical User Interface Objects Configuration >

Creating Views Using the Object Explorer

You can define views manually by using:

To define a view in the Object List Editor

  1. From the Object Explorer, select View.

    The Object List Editor opens.

  2. Choose Edit > New Record to add a new view object definition.
  3. Set the following properties for the new view record:
    • Name. (Required.) The name of the view. All references to views are done through its name.
    • Business Object. (Required.) The name of the business object used by the view. This determines the relationship between business components on which member applets are based.

      All the sector properties must have a value specified (except explorer view).

    • Screen Menu. If TRUE, the view should be included in the Site Map.
    • Title. Text string used as the window title.
    • Visibility Applet. A non-null value places the view in the Show: combo box. A null value places the view as a view tab.

      See About The User Interface Navigational Paradigm.

    • Visibility Applet Type. Limits view visibility by organization or responsibility. Valid values for Visibility Applet Type are:
      • All
      • Personal
      • Sales Rep
      • Manager
      • Organization
      • Sub-Organization
      • Catalog
      • Group

        If Visibility Applet is blank, the view appears as a view tab and is not listed in the Show menu. Its visibility is determined by the value of Visibility Applet Type.

        If Visibility Applet Type is blank, the view's visibility defaults to the most restrictive type defined for the business component. (This usually means Personal or Sales Rep visibility, depending on the corresponding visibility settings of the business component of the view's Thread Applet property.) The view is listed in the Show menu by the name given in the Visibility Applet property.

        If both are blank, the visibility depends on the navigation context:

      • When navigating from another view to this view using the Show menu, the query context and record focus are kept from the previous view, assuming that the business components and search specifications are relevant.
      • When navigating to this view using the Site Map or the Screen tabs, the visibility defaults to the most restrictive type defined for the business component.

        For more information on view visibility rules, see Security Guide for Siebel eBusiness Applications.

 Siebel Tools Reference
 Published: 20 October 2003