Siebel Tools Reference > Physical User Interface Layer >

Web Template Explorer

The Web Template Explorer window is a Windows Explorer-like concatenated tree listing of Web templates. It allows you to visualize a color-coded HTML view of the Web Template hierarchy. Clicking on the items in the Web Template Explorer displays the HTML source code of the Siebel Web Template (.swt) file for review or editing in the main window. Since a template (parent) can include other templates (children), a split view is presented to view a parent and child template at the same time. The Web Template combo box in the Web Template window allows you the choice of displaying all Web Templates in the Explorer, the top level Web Templates only, or individual Web Templates.

To access the Web Template Explorer

  1. Choose View>Windows>Web Templates Window.

    The Web Template Explorer appears.

  2. Select a template file in the Web Template Explorer.

    The selected Web template appears. If a top-level template is selected, then the parent template is shown in the upper part of the window, while the selected (child) template is shown in the bottom part. The vertical splitter that divides the two parts of the window can be dragged to change the viewable area in each part of the window.

Setting Web Preferences

You can select the HTML editor that should be launched for editing templates by specifying it in the Web Template Editor tab of the Development Tools Options box.

To set Web preferences

  1. Choose View >Options.
  2. Select the Web Template Editor tab.

    The Web Template Editor tab option appears.

    Click for full size image

  3. Specify the path of the external HTML editor executable that you want to use to edit the templates. You can also specify any parameters specific to the command-line invocation of the external editor.
  4. Click OK.

    The changes will take effect the next time the Web Applet or Web View Editor is launched.

 Siebel Tools Reference
 Published: 20 October 2003