Siebel Tools Reference > Logical User Interface Objects Layer >

Icon Maps

The Icon Map object type allows you to render control or list column field values as icons. Each Icon Map is a collection of child objects called Icons. Icon objects are associated with a Bitmap object, which defines the image for the Icon and corresponds to a particular field value. Controls and list columns have an attribute called Icon Map that allows you to define the icon map object that you want to use for rendering the field values.

The following procedure uses an example to show you how to configure icons for use as field values. The example uses the Status list column on the Activity List Applet. Suppose that the Status field can have values Not Started, In Progress, and Done. You want to configure the Status field to display an icon for each of these values.

To render fields using Icons

  1. Create a Bitmap Category.

    For example, create a Bitmap Category called Activity Status Icons.

  2. Create Bitmaps (child object of Bitmap Category) for each image that you want to display and specify the file name of the image.

    For example, create the following records:

    File Name
    Not Started
    In Progress
  3. Create a new Icon Map object.

    For example, create an Icon Map named Activity Status.

  4. Create one Icon object (child of Icon Map) for each field value and set the following properties:
    • Name. Set to the name of the field value.
    • Bitmap Category. Set to the Bitmap Category you want to show for the field value.
    • Bitmap. Set to the bitmap you want to show for the field value.

      For example, create the following records:

      Bitmap Category
      Not Started
      Activity Status Icon
      Not Started
      In Progress
      Activity Status Icon
      In Progress
      Activity Status Icon
  5. Set the HTML Icon Map attribute of the list column or control to the Icon Map defined in Step 3.

    For example, set the Status list column of the Activity List Applet to the icon map Activity Status.

    After compiling the changes, the Siebel Web Engine will render the image corresponding to the bitmap when the field value matches one of the icons defined. If the field value does not match any of the icons, the Siebel Web Engine renders the field value itself.

 Siebel Tools Reference
 Published: 20 October 2003